Wednesday, January 7

"Message from Cana": Kucinich speech about Lebanon

his video of a wonderful speech by Dennis Kucinich, but it was taken off the YouTube website (hmm... maybe the rumors about Mossad taking over YouTube are true. I don't know.). Anyway, I found the video on another site, and here it is. It is a wonderful speech.

I called Kucinich's office today and expressed my support for his pro-Palestinian comments in the past. I'm sure he comes under a lot of pressure from "The Lobby" about it, and so maybe it would be helpful to him for you to call them and express support also. His website is at and the phone number of his office in Washington is (202) 225-5871. They will give you the phone number of his campaign office if you want to give more tangible support.

Hajja Romi

Dennis talks about his experience of compassion from the Lebanese people to a crowd of about 600 people at First United Methodist Church on April 2, 2007, in Eugene, Oregon.


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