Tuesday, January 13

The Canadian Government Agrees with The Massacres in Gaza by Israel

Given the history that many in the world are not aware of, featured here: the Untold Story of the Genocide of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada and long with many other ATROCITIES towards the First Nations and other minorities in Canada that made Canada - it does not surprise me a bit that yesterday Canada stood alone before a United Nations human rights council yesterday, the only one among 47 nations to oppose a motion condemning the Israeli military offensive in Gaza.

The vote before the Geneva-based body shows the Stephen Harper government has abandoned a more even-handed approach to the Middle East in favour of unalloyed support of Israel, according to some long-time observers.

Thirty-three countries voted for the strongly worded motion, which called for an investigation into "grave" human rights violations by Israeli forces, while 13 nations, mostly European, abstained.

The United States, regarded as Israel's greatest ally, is not a member of the council. Observers say Ottawa's unwavering support of Israel in the current conflict – highlighted by yesterday's vote – shows how the Canadian Government could care less about human rights, fairness and justice.

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