Wednesday, January 7

ADL blasts Holocaust imagery in anti-Israel protests but I blast You Mr Foxman

The comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany being made at protests worldwide against the IDF's Gaza operation are a "cynical perversion" of history that has no place in civil societies, the New York-based Anti Defamation League said Tuesday.

When we look at all the facts especially the latest of War Crimes being carried out in Gaza by Israel, Mr Foxman, a civil society would and should speak out against the Gaza Massacres being carried out by Israel. You hear me now Mr Foxman : I'm not comparing Israel to the Nazis I'm telling You Sir they are worse then the Nazis. And what part of the Holocaust were you in sir? Because anyone that would have been in a real holocaust with real danger for their lives would be able to relate to the Palestinians especially if they have a education or at least a half a clue to know what's really happening in Palestine.

You say "Comparisons of Israel to the Nazis are a deeply cynical perversion of history, an attempt to turn the tragedy that befell the Jewish people into a bludgeon against Israel," I say to you sir what is a tragedy that the Holocaust has been turned in a industry and the guilt trip card has to be put out of commission , yes, the card that allows you to claim Anti-Semitism and you can't use that word against jews so you call them lost or a self hating jew when anyone speaks out against Israel and the injustices against the Palestinians for the last 60 Years and let the Israeli establishment keep getting awy with murder.

Foxman I read that you were particularly deplored the fact that this Israeli Nazi comparison was being heard at demonstrations in the United States but not just the United States, it's the whole world sir. You see people are starting to wake up, they are getting more educated and going elsewhere to get their news because they know most of mainstream media is either Zionist owned/ or Influenced with heklp from Government.

"Offensive Holocaust comparisons and the use of Nazi imagery are deeply offensive and have no place in a civil society such as ours." you are quoted as saying. I say to you Sir, that millions of dollars and more like billions worldwide going to Israel each year to break international laws for Ethnic Cleansing by Israel is very offensive.

You feel offended Mr Foxman, oh poor you! I am deeply offended when I hear Palestinian Child from Gaza is asking, "What did we do to deserve this?" and "Why is the world watching without doing anything?" I am offended sir that those parents don't have any answers for them.

The anti-Israel demonstrations in major American cities have included expressions of support for Hamas, which is designated by the State Department as a foreign terror organization, as well as inflammatory anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rhetoric, the ADL says. I am surprised you don't want them all locked up for supporting Hamas A democratically elected body of Palestine or should we only support real Terror Organizations like Israel or George Bush & Company.

Just like the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising there is a Gaza Ghetto Uprising and that makes you mad, does it not? Mr Foxman. Resistance is Growing Mr Foxman, Can you hear it?

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