Wednesday, December 31

Greens condemn Israeli attacks on Gaza; McKinney on relief vessel rammed by Israeli gunboats


For Immediate Release:
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624, cell 202-904-7614,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805,

Green Party condemns Israel's massive air attack on Gaza, calls on US
to rein in Israel and seek a ceasefire

• Green presidential candidate McKinney is safe after the SS Dignity,
carrying relief to Gaza, is rammed by an Israeli gunboat in
international waters

• Greens challenge Obama to press Israel to comply with international
law and end the illegal occupation of Gaza and other Palestinian lands

WASHINGTON, DC -- The Green Party of the United States calls for an
immediate end to Israel's bombing attacks on Gaza, which in the past
four days has already caused at least 364 deaths, including
Palestinian women and children, with hundreds more wounded.

"It's clear that President Bush gave a green light for Israel's
massive and disproportionate display of force. The Green Party
demands that the US seek a bilateral ceasefire, with immediate
pressure on Israel to stop the bombardment and end the occupation,"
said Rosa Clemente, the Green Party's 2008 candidate for Vice
President of the United States (

Cynthia McKinney, the Green Party's 2008 presidential candidate, had
joined the Free Gaza Group ( on the SS
Dignity, which sailed from Cyprus to deliver three tons of medicine
and humanitarian aid to Gaza in defiance of an Israeli blockade. Ms.
McKinney was safe after Israeli gunboats attempted to intercept the
Dignity last night and one gunboat illegally rammed the vessel in
international waters, 90 miles off the Gaza coast
Despite damage sustained in the encounter, the Dignity has docked
safely in Lebanon and Ms. McKinney is on her way to Beirut.

In an interview on CNN
Cynthia McKinney said, "What we have gone through pales in comparison
to what the people of the Gaza Strip are suffering." Ms. McKinney is
challenging President-elect Barack Obama to condemn Israel's attacks
on Gaza.

Greens noted that Hamas, the target of Israel's aerial bombardment,
was democratically elected in 2006, and that Israel and the US have
been trying to remove Hamas from power, especially by attempting to
spark a civil war between Hamas and Fatah.

Since its election, Hamas has repeatedly offered to talk with Israel,
but Israel has rejected all such overtures. Hamas had observed a
five-month truce that was broken on November 4 when Israeli Defense
Forces killed five Palestinians. In retaliation, Hamas responded with
missiles which over the last month have injured one Israeli and caused
property damage. The Green Party categorically condemns all violence
visited on unarmed civilians.

"Palestinians are living under an occupation that has continued
despite numerous UN directives ordering Israel to withdraw. Israel's
latest lethal assault will only intensify the crisis and inflict
further suffering on the Palestinian people. Two thirds of Gazans are
refugees -- some doubly so, from 1948 and 1967 -- and all Gaza
residents are living in conditions comparable to a medieval siege.
Israel must comply with international law and ends its illegal
military occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza,
dismantle the illegal separation wall, make restitution to
Palestinians whose lands have been seized, and recognize the
Palestinian right of return. If President Obama wants to make history
by resolving the Middle East conflict, he must press Israel to take
these steps," said Hajja Romi Elnagar, Louisiana Green and member of
the Green Party's International Committee

"The current assumption in the US media that this is a symmetrical
conflict between equals is as absurd as the claim that Israel's bombs
are not threatening women and children. Israel is the world's fourth
most powerful military nation, a nuclear power that enjoys support
from the US, while Palestinians are impoverished, with many living
without electricity, water, food, and medicine for weeks," said Ms.

As a result of the Israeli blockade, 80% of Gazans live on less than
two dollars a day. Unemployment hovers at 50-60% in Gaza, with only
195 factories, reduced from 3,900 in 2005. Israel has barred the
delivery of UN relief to Gazans.

The Green Party has called for an end to US military aid to Israel and
supports the movement for international boycott, divestment, and
sanctions against Israel until Israel ends the occupation, obeys
international law (including Geneva Conventions and the UN's Universal
Declaration of Human Rights), and guarantees full human rights for
Palestinians. The party supports efforts by Palestinian and Israeli
peace groups towards a nonviolent negotiated resolution to the

The Green Party also endorses complete regional (and, ultimately,
global) nuclear disarmament to remove the threat of a nuclear exchange
in the Middle East and Asia. Greens have expressed concern that
Barack Obama will bow to demands from AIPAC and other pro-Israel
lobbies and maintain the Clinton and Bush administrations' uncritical
support for Israel's military objectives and human rights violations.


Green Party of the United States
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
Fax 202-319-7193
• Tally of Green election victories

• Green candidate news

• Green candidate database for 2008 and other campaign information:

• Green Party News Center

• Green Party Speakers Bureau

• Green Party ballot access page

Cynthia McKinney/Rosa Clemente 2008 'Power to the People' Campaign for
the White House

Green Party press releases:
"Greens call the 60th anniversary of Israel an occasion to affirm
international law, enact human rights, and end the illegal occupation
of Palestinian territories" (May 19, 2008)

"Greens: Obama's AIPAC speech reveals he has embraced Bush propaganda
on Iran, may support an attack" (June 12, 2008)

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