Wednesday, November 5

Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines November 4, 2008 ~

Settlers attack again in Hebron following eviction from illegal outpost
Members of the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group and International Solidarity Movement (ISM) are joining local Palestinians in Hebron who are defending a house under attack by Israeli settlers from Kharsema settlement.

Settlers attack, beat a Palestinian family, peace activists, in Hebron
An extremist Israeli settler group broke on Monday into a home belonging to a Palestinian family, in the southern Palestinian West Bank city of Hebron, and attacked the family in addition to attacking peace activists who were present in the attacked home. 57546

Israeli military detains seven Palestinians as armed settlers wound three others
The Israeli military detained on Tuesday seven Palestinian residents from different parts of the occupied West Bank as the Israeli armed settlers wounded three others in the Hebron city. 57554

Five people injured as Ni'lin maintains its resistance to the construction of the apartheid wall
On the 2nd November, a demonstration against the Apartheid Wall began in Ni'lin at 1.30 in the afternoon. 50 Palestinians gathered with 6 internationals by the municipality and marched towards the construction site in hopes of intervening with the construction work on the wall.

Four people shot with rubber-coated steel bullets as protesters delay construction of the apartheid wall in Ni'lin
The weekly Friday prayer demonstration began at 12.00 near the Ni'lin clinic with residents of Ni'lin praying on their land. Shortly after the prayer, 200 Palestinians supported by 20 international and Israeli activists marched towards the construction site of the Apartheid Wall.

With settler violence on the rise, Israeli commander calls off settlement visit
Israeli settlers in the West Bank have recently stepped up their attacks against Palestinian civilians, and, in recent days, have also attacked Israeli border guards. 57542

Top Palestinian negotiator harassed by Israeli police near settlement

Chief Palestinian negotiator Ahmad Qurei was stopped by Israeli police near the West Bank settlement of Ma'ale Adumim on Tuesday morning, Qurei's office said. index.php?opr=ShowDetails&ID= 33012

Israeli forces seize five Palestinians in Bethlehem raids

Israeli seized five civilians from the Bethlehem governorate of the West Bank early on Tuesday. Security sources and eyewitnesses reported that nine Israeli military vehicles invaded Al-Azza refugee camp in the north of the city of Bethlehem and detained 20-year-old Mu'ayyad Othman Al-Azza and 19-year-old Shadi Mohamad Al-Qeissi. index.php?opr=ShowDetails&ID= 33009

Israeli forces seize Tulkarem man overnight

Israeli forces seized a civilian during an overnight raid in the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem on Tuesday, Palestinian security sources said. Israeli forces invaded the western neighborhood of the city at 3am, abducting resident Rami Yousef Awadh from his house. The sources added that Israeli forces destroyed furniture and other property in Awadh's house in addition to damaging a blacksmith shop owned by his brother. index.php?opr=ShowDetails&ID= 33006

Israeli forces seize two Palestinians in Jenin area

Israeli forces detained two civilians from town of Jaba southwest of the city of Jenin at 2am on Tuesday., Palestinian security sources told Ma'an that Israeli troops raided the town, stormed houses, and then detained 23-year-old Fadi Al-Balasha and 21-year-old Najeh Alawnah. index.php?opr=ShowDetails&ID= 33007

Janazra: Women in the Damon prison live in difficult captivity conditions
Female prisoner Samira Al-Janazra, 30, who was released Sunday evening from the Israeli Damon prison stated that her prison mates are suffering from very difficult incarceration conditions.

Israeli High Court Confirms Use of "Guilt by Association" and Policies of Racial ...

In a recent decision by the High Court of Israel, they have confimed their use Israeli Supreme Court confirms use of guilt by association and policies of racial discrimination The Israeli High Court of Justice (HCJ) has again affirmed the government's position and approved the gross violations of human rights generated by state policies, this time against Palestinians possessing Israeli citizenship.

Jordan's king blasts Israel over excavations in East Jerusalem
Amman- King Abdullah II of Jordan on Monday rejected Israel's excavations at al-Magharebah Gate in East Jerusalem as an "illegal" step that could affect the Islamic nature of the holy city. Abdullah made the remarks during a meeting with the visiting UNESCO Director General Koichiro Matsuura, a royal court statement said.,jordans-king-blasts-israel-over-excavations-in-east-jerusalem.html

Agha: Israel embarks on distorting, erasing historical sites in Jerusalem

Dr. Mohamed Al-Agha, the minister of tourism, on Sunday warned that the IOA is carrying out a dangerous scheme aimed at distorting and obliterating historical places and relics in occupied Jerusalem.

Despite boycott, EU legislators invite Hamas lawmakers to Brussels
A European parliamentary delegation visited the Gaza Strip on Monday and invited all elected Palestinian lawmakers, including Hamas, to visit, even though the EU considers the Islamist group a terrorist organization.

Lord Nazir to lead a delegation of Parliamentarians to Gaza
Muslim member of the British Parliament plans to lead a delegation of Parliamentarians to Gaza to assess first hand information on the humanitarian situation in the Strip which is under Israeli blockade. Lord Nazir Ahmad at his press conference disclosed that he would be heading a 15-member delegation later this month which would also be taking a tonne of medical supplies for the residents of the territory. Baroness Jenny Tonge, former Labour Minister and MP Clare Short and Dr.Arafat Shoukry, Coordinator, The European Campaign to end the siege on Gaza, also spoke on the occasion and criticised the double standards of the West with regard to its policies on Gaza and its attitude towards the democratically elected Hamas Government which is running the territory. task=view&id=58020&Itemid=2

Fayyad briefs German PM on West Bank settlers, economy
Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad met with his German counterpart in Ramallah on Monday, Ma'an's correspondent reported.
During the meeting, Fayyad reportedly told Prime Minister Dieter Althaus that the European Union (EU) should play a greater role in stopping settler attacks against Palestinians.

Exiled Hamas leader takes questions at Beirut conference
Exiled Hamas leader Khalid Mash'al returned to Beirut on Monday, where he met with the Lebanese president and discussed Palestinian matters. The visit was his first since 2006, when an Israeli airstrike demolished Hamas's Beirut headquarters. At a meeting with Lebanese President Michel Sulaiman at his home in West Beirut, Mash'al explained ongoing reconciliation efforts and was briefed on Palestinian issues in Lebanon. Later, Mash'al met with Lebanon's Prime Minister Fuad Sanyora, and was brought up to speed on similar topics. index.php?opr=ShowDetails&ID=32993

Prime Minister Fayyad calls on the Quartet to stop Israeli settlement activities

Palestinian Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad of the Ramallah-based government, called yesterday on the International Quartet for peace in the Middle East, involving United States, United Nations, Russia and the EU, to declare a clear-cut position against the ongoing Israeli settlement activities. 57553

FM: Israel rejects interim peace deal
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni plans to tell an upcoming Quartet conference that the Jewish country will not sign any interim peace agreement with Palestinians, local news service Ynet reported Monday. english/2008-11/04/content_ 10301940.htm

'Israel thirsty for new Mideast war'
Israel strives to spark military conflict in the Middle East, according to a stark warning from former Lebanese president Emile Lahoud. aspx?id=74146&sectionid=351020101

Hamas colleagues barred from crossing Gaza border

A senior Palestinian parliamentarian said that he and five colleagues from the Hamas movement had been barred by Egypt from crossing its border with Gaza on their way to visit other Arab countries.

Shalit Negotiator Meets with Detained Hamas Figures
The Israeli chief negotiator for captured Israeli occupation soldier Gilad Shalit met recently with senior Hamas figures incarcerated at the Hadarim Prison, the East Jerusalem daily Al-Quds reported on Sunday. Ofer Dekel briefed the Hamas leaders on the indirect Egyptian-mediated talks over the captured soldier, the paper reported.

Palestinian Authority (PA) officials and spokesmen have been lying through their teeth lately about their increasingly vile treatment of the Palestinian people.

Chris Davies: Israel's security barrier continues to decimate Palestine
Chris Davies: Israel's security barrier continues to divide and seize Palestinian land, yet Britain and the EU fail to take action.

Activist puts himself on the (front) line of Gaza's fishing war

Friday was a typical day at sea for Scottish pro-Palestinian activist Andrew Muncie, with Israeli machine gunfire raking the waters around the boat carrying him and the Palestinian fishermen whose cause he has embraced..
Mr. Muncie, 34, from Glasgow, Scotland is a non-violent participant in the little known battle off Gaza's coast between the state of the art ships of the Middle East's most powerful military and the rickety motor boats of Gaza's fishing fleet.

Activists fight lonely battle to protect Palestinian farmers

A rifle-toting Israeli soldier pointed to a dozen Palestinian farmers and their two donkeys. "They are a security risk," he said, ordering the villagers off a hillside just outside a Jewish colony as they headed to their olive grove. Pushing and shoving ensued as the villagers from nearby Kafr Qaddum village were forced off the land that is theirs. categ_id=2&article_id=97357

Fourth solidarity boat heading to Gaza Strip

The Al Karama ship will leave Cyprus on Friday with plans to arrive in the Gaza Strip on Saturday morning. This will be the fourth boat to break the Israeli siege since August when two arrived simultaneously. The third was in port last week. Palestinian Legislative Council member and Director of the Committee against the Siege, Jamal Al Khudari, told PNN Tuesday that final preparations and legal arrangements are underway.

The Bilbao Initiative—Civil Society Action for Justice in Palestine
Final Declaration and Action Plan For the past 60 years, the indigenous Palestinian people has been scattered in the Diaspora and fragmented within its homeland by walls and policies of segregation and domination.

From Goma to Gaza, Mr Miliband
While the foreign secretary is keen to be seen in Congo, another invisible humanitarian crisis receives none of his attention.

Scant hope in Gaza for US election

Where is the Israeli Obama?
In a day, it seems at the moment, the incredible will happen: the most important "white" country in the world will elect a black president. 143 years after the assassination of Abe Lincoln, the man who freed the slaves, and 40 years after the assassination of Martin Luther King, the dreamer of the Dream, a black family will occupy the White House. This will have huge implications in many directions. One of them is an electrifying message to a world-wide order to which I belong: the Order of the Optimists.

Report: Obama voiced support for Palestinians' right to Jerusalem

Lebanese newspaper says Democratic presidential hopeful told Abbas, Fayyad he would support their right to stable sovereign state.,7340,L-3617465,00.html

Palestine's Partner for Peace?

After a month of haggling, Tzipi Livni, appointed to replace outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, announced this week that she has not been able to form a coalition government to support her rule. "Let the people choose their leaders," she said instead, calling for early elections likely to take place in February of next year. Most observers called her decision a huge blow to peace. Livni's inability to create a coalition government sends more than just the message of snap elections. It tells us that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas may not have a partner for peace in Israel's government after all.

Protecting Yanoun

The children playing in the dusty yard of the house below my olive tree know that they are surrounded by foes. The tops of the surrounding hills, which used to belong to the village but have been confiscated for use by an Israeli settlement, are scattered with watchtowers, mobile trailers and chicken sheds. Groups of settlers, often teenagers, regularly come through the village accompanied by dogs and carrying M-16 machine guns. Paul Adrian Raymond writes from Yanoun.

Ben Gurion's Security Food Chain
Sticker number six. That is what you should try to avoid at all costs when traveling out of Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport. For those uneducated in the Israeli sticker system, "six" is the unenviable sticker smacked on suitcases and handbags of all those who then must endure a vigorous security check by Israeli airport authority personnel.

Israel's security barrier adds to wildlife's struggle for survival
BETHLEHEM–From the steps of the Caritas Hospital in the town where Christ was born, you can sometimes see jackals or foxes frantically burrowing their way beneath the tall concrete security barrier that now separates Bethlehem from Israel. Sometimes they make it through. Sometimes they don't. "You can see it right with your own eyes," says Imad Atrash, director of the Palestinian Wildlife Society. "They are searching for their survival."

The United States of ... Canada
People around the world, including those in the Middle East, may have paid little attention to Canada's parliamentary elections on 14 October. The Canadian election brought little change to the makeup of parliament. The Conservatives maintained their lead and formed a minority government while the Liberals lost more seats. But preserving the status quo and the virtual absence of foreign policy as a topic of public debate in the run up to the vote reinforces the transformation in Canada's geopolitical role in relation to the Middle East. And this must be of extra concern today. Hicham Safieddine comments.

The Last Dance in Ramallah

Until November 2004, Israel lacked a partner for peace. President Arafat was locked up in a prison in Ramallah. He could admittedly receive international dignitaries from the whole world after Israeli approval. Israel often demanded that the dignitary first visit Israel and then leave for the home country to only return a couple of months later and visit the Nobel prize winner, one of the world's most famous persons. The international community, including Sweden, accepted this moratorium theater without shame. Almost everyone obeyed the orders of the occupation power. There were, however, countries that rebelled against the folly, South Africa was one of them.

Two-headed sheep born on West Bank

The animal, dubbed 'Holy' by its owner, was born on a refugee camp on the West Bank. Palestinian sheep farmers believe that the animal realises a myth held in that part of the Middle East and say that its birth is "God's will".

Hizbullah wants villages inside Israel
Shiite group's head of international relations tells Norwegian Ambassador organization won't settle for Blue Line border. 'Zionist terror organizations moved the border and robbed Lebanon of seven villages and 20 farms,' he says.,7340,L-3617510,00.html

'Lebanese working for Mossad' may have played role in Mughniyeh hit

The alleged leader of a Mossad spy network arrested by Lebanese authorities monitored the Kfar Sousa neighborhood in Damascus a few months before senior Hizbullah military commander Imad Mughniyeh was assassinated by a car bomb last February, according to a report published by As-Safir newspaper on Monday. categ_id=2&article_id=97365

Monday: 15 Iraqis Killed, 39 Wounded
Excerpt: At least 15 Iraqis were killed and 39 more were wounded during a spate of attacks in Baghdad and elsewhere. No Coalition deaths were reported. In Parliament, A measure insuring minority participation in provincial councils was passed; however, several lawmakers complained that not enough seats were set aside.

No US bases in northern Iraq without Baghdad nod: Talabani

AFP - Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has said that American troops can set up bases in northern Iraq's Kurdish region only if the Shiite-led government in Baghdad gives its approval.
http:// wl_mideast_afp/ iraqusmilitarykurdstalabani

Newspaper: Washington OKs most Iraq's proposed changes over SOFA
Iraqi officials said that Washington has agreed on most of Iraq's proposed changes to a draft security agreement that would allow U.S. troops to stay in the country until 2011, an Iraqi newspaper reported on Monday. 10300656.htm

Fear of dying still stalks streets of Iraq's capital. /2/hi/middle_east/7706872.stm

Iraqi refugee women and girls in Jordan: "Rape is a death sentence"
The Women's Commission undertook a field mission to Jordan from October 25 to November 2, 2008 to follow up on a mission in 2007. Sarah Chynoweth , program manager, reproductive health program, and Ada Williams-Prince, senior advocacy officer, write: Amman, JORDAN, 2 November 2008—The Iraqi doctor looked us straight into the eyes and said "I would rather be dead than tell anyone I have been raped." If this woman—a highly educated, successful doctor working for the UN— wouldn't speak out, who would? rwb.nsf/db900SID/MCOI-7L2SHU? OpenDocument&RSS20=02-P

Iraq still thirsting for water that's safe to drink

McClatchy Newspapers - BAGHDAD — Every day, a man driving a tanker truck filled with water comes to Nashat al Chamamla's village in southern Iraq, and every day the people line up to fill their jugs and jerry cans.
http:// 20081103/wl_mcclatchy/3090734

US still reviled in former rebel stronghold of Fallujah
FALLUJAH, Iraq: The tall iron bridge spanning the Furat River that runs through Fallujah is still the symbol of the raging anti-US insurgency that once engulfed Iraq's Sunni enclave. In March 2004, four armed security guards of US-based Blackwater security company were killed by Sunni rebels and left hanging from the bridge for three days. categ_id=2&article_id=97331

For Whom the Bell Tolls

It can only be described as astonishing, the fact that to explain away the failure of the US/UK occupation of Iraq, some people have sunk to a new depth and sought to exonerate themselves by placing the burden of responsibility upon the shoulders of Gertrude Bell.
It is often said, that people can talk bad words of the dead because they are not here to defend themselves but placing the blame upon Bell, who died in the 1920's, for the disasters imposed upon Iraq by the Labour Government and their allies in 2003, is nothing more than an act of cowardice, in the efforts to cover up their own war crimes.

The U.S. Doesn't Know How Alone It is in Iraq, Friends Like These
Over the past five years, America and its Iraqi allies have pointed triumphantly at a series of spurious milestones meant to mark turning points on the road to stability and security. But the ongoing stalemate over a new Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), which the Iraqi government refuses to sign despite intense American pressure, marks a true turning point in the conflict: it is a clear sign that American political influence in Iraq is weaker than ever.

Former IRI Chair Defends Khalidi

R. Bruce McColm -- past president of the McCain-chaired International Republican Institute (IRI) when it first granted money to an organization co-founded by Rashid Khalidi -- emails Ken Silverstein at Harper's and pushes back against the attacks on Khalidi from Sen. McCain's campaign. politicalpunch/2008/11/former- iri-chai.html

Anne Karpf: Islamofascist slanders
Anne Karpf:Equating Muslims with Nazis is a hazard in the Middle East, and misfires as a smear on Obama.

McCain-Palin anti-Arab Racism
Is the McCain-Palin campaign getting desperate? Obviously they are and they are getting more than desperate with their ugly attacks on Palestinian American Colombia university professor Rashid Khalidi and his alleged new title as "Radical professor" or the false allegation that he was an alleged PLO spokesman.

You betcha, Sarah Palin hits a nerve among Jewish women
When Clare Kinberg, editor of a feminist Jewish magazine, set up her booth at an Ann Arbor Jewish community event, she didn't expect to attract a parade of women eager to vent their rage against Sarah Palin. But woman after woman - perhaps noticing Kinberg's Barack Obama pin - approached her to tell stories of how John McCain's vice-presidential pick had galvanized them into becoming active in the Obama campaign.

Nowhere man: a farewell to Dubya, all-time loser in presidential history
"Forgotten but not gone" was the way in which the supremo of Boston politics, Billy Bulger, liked to dismiss the human irritants he had crushed beneath his trim boot. The same could now be said for the hapless 43rd President of the United States as the daylight draws mercifully in on his reign of misfortune and calamity. How is he bearing up, one wonders, as the candidate from his own party treats him as the carrier of some sort of infectious political disease? How telling was it that the most impassioned moment in John McCain's performance in the final debate was when he declared: "I am not George Bush."

Commentary: They've squandered lives, fortunes and our sacred honor
High tide arrived with the unlikeliest occupant of the Oval Office in our history, the beady-eyed, smirking, tongue-tied, counterfeit cowboy George W. Bush, and a Congress that after 9-11 was run by runaway Republicans who were too busy enriching themselves and their friends to care what their president was doing to the country, the Constitution and even their own party.

Open Letter to Senator Barack Obama, By Ralph Nader
In your nearly two-year presidential campaign, the words "hope and change," "change and hope" have been your trademark declarations. Yet there is an asymmetry between those objectives and your political character that succumbs to contrary centers of power that want not "hope and change" but the continuation of the power-entrenched status quo.


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