Thursday, November 6

Friday Nov. 7: Break the Siege of Gaza - Stop Egyptian Complicity!!! March and Rally, NYC!

As Israel bombs Gaza...stand with the people of Gaza to break the siege!!!

Friday, November 7th
In front of the Egyptian Consulate
E. 59th St. and 2nd Ave.
Followed by a march to the Egyptian Mission to the UN and to the Zionist Consulate. 5-7pm

US, "Israel", Egypt: End the Siege on Gaza
Open the Rafah Crossing Now!
Right to Food, Medicine and Freedom of Travel for Palestinians
Hands off the Palestinian Resistance
Right to Return for All Palestinians

Join Al-Awda-NY, the Arab Community, and their Allies as we protest the Israeli Siege on Gaza and its facilitation by the Egyptian Government...

Help the People of Gaza survive the Genocide Designed by the Zionist Settler State of "Israel"
Help Open the Rafah Crossing

Gaza just saw the murder of the 225th person due to lack of medicine. The situation is far more dire than the headlines reveal, parents are watching their children die on a daily basis due to lack of basic supplies.

Help us pressure the Egyptian Government to Open the Rafah Crossing so that Palestinians may access basic supplies to survive.

While Americans are reeling from a financial crisis, losing homes, jobs and access to education, BILLIONS of US DOLLARS are being siphoned to help "Israel" starve and kill Palestinians....

Although the Egyptian People have long stood in solidarity with their Palestinian sisters and brothers, Palestinian have not seen the same humanity from the Egyptian Government. Like leading lambs to the slaughter, time and again the Egyptian government has forced Palestinians back into Gaza and has further tightened restrictions in obedience to the same "Israel" that wages war on the Arab World...

The siege on Gaza requires the participation of Israel, the US AND Egypt in order to continue to starve and isolate our sisters and brothers in Gaza. Join us to demand an end to the siege NOW!

Arabs from across New York join the calls of their Brothers and Sisters across the World, Palestine and Egypt and demand that Egypt remove the closure of the Rafah Border Crossing, allow Palestinians to access food and medicine, and to STOP facilitating the Israeli genocide of Palestinians.


Charlotte L. Kates
Read Al-Awda Newspaper!

Popular Palestinian National Conference
Register today and attend!
Chicago, IL - August 8-10, 2008

New Jersey Solidarity - Activists for the Liberation of Palestine

Generation After Generation Until Total Liberation - FREE PALESTINE!

Don't forget to sign the Rutgers University Divest from israeli Apartheid Petition at:

NJSolidarity-announcements is a moderated, low volume announcements list used to inform the community of upcoming events sponsored by New Jersey Solidarity -- Activists for the Liberation of Palestine, as well as events sponsored by other individuals and organizations participating in the struggle against all forms of oppression.


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