Thursday, November 6

Cambridge and Somerville vote for Equality for Palestinians

We are happy to report that question 4 won in Somerville with a decisive margin despite the opposition of the mayor, the major newspapers and the local elected officials. In addition to more yes than no votes, we may have won a majority of all voters (a small fraction did not vote either way)...we are still waiting for final numbers.Question 4 called for supporting the right of "Palestinian citizens of Israel to live free from laws that give more rights to people of one religion than another"

This follows our 45% vote, in 2006, supporting the Palestinian Peoples' Right of Return - a fundamental human right.

A press release is coming soon with more info.

Thanks for all of your support
Ron Francis 617 230-2835
SDP General Coordinator

Good News Folks !
62 % of people voting in Somerville and 73 % of people voting in Cambridge casts YES votes on Question 4. Cambridge is the home of leading colleges MIT and Harvard.

Here are the unofficial results for in each state representative district which represents a large fraction of the population of each city.

Unofficial results:
Somerville Massachusetts: 62% of Voters for YES
YES 9100 NO: 5542

Cambridge Massachusetts: 73 % of Voters for YES
YES 9637 NO: 3650

These results come after the pro-apartheid side attempted legal maneuvers to block the question from being on the ballot (failing in September), and over the opposition of mayor, all local elected officials in Somerville and a main newspaper in Somerville. The mayor of Somerville, two years ago, went on a trip to Isreal sponsored by the pro-apartheid government of Isreal.

In 2006 45% of Somerville voters supported the Palestinian peoples' Right of Return - a fundamental human right, despite the opposition from the pro-apartheid governor, congressman and mayor... all of whom opposed the fundamental human right of return.

The Somerville Divestment Project will release a statement later this week giving details of the campaign.

Ron Francis
SDP General Coordinator

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