Thursday, October 30

Protest boat arrives in Gaza, despite Israel's vow to block it

A boat carrying international protesters sailed into the Gaza Strip on Wednesday to bring attention to Israel's blockade of the Hamas-controlled territory, despite vows by the Israeli government to stop the ship.

The 27 passengers include Mairead McGuire, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for her work in Northern Ireland. The protesters - who also include Italians, Israelis, Palestinians and Americans - are scheduled to remain in Gaza for four days.The 66-foot (20-meter) yacht Dignity, chartered by the U.S.-based Free Gaza group, sailed from the nearby island of Cyprus on Tuesday and arrived in Gaza in stormy weather Wednesday. They were greeted by Hamas policemen and a small group of Palestinian activists.

"The government of Israel cannot cut off Gaza forever. We will come again and again," McGuire said after disembarking.

Two months ago, members of the organization sailed from Cyprus to Gaza under the slogan "breaking the blockade." The Prime Minister's Office and Foreign Ministry viewed the move as a provocative propaganda stunt, intended to provoke a confrontation with the IDF. A day before the boat was to arrive at the shores of Gaza, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Defense Minister Ehud Barak held a consultation and decided to allow the boat to reach land - and thereby block the activists' plans to create an international incident.

Nevertheless, in discussions held over the past few weeks between the PMO, Foreign Ministry and the IDF, it was decided that this time the boat would not be allowed to reach Gaza. "The first time we wanted to prevent a provocation, but if it is to become a routine, then we will have to make it clear we will not allow it," said a senior official in Jerusalem.

Egypt also prevented the sailing of a similar ship a few weeks ago from Alexandria to Gaza.

"The Israel Navy will stop the activists' vessel once it reaches Israel's territorial waters, it was decided. If the ship turns around, then the IDF will not use any force. However, if the activists decide to sail on toward Gaza, the IDF will take control of the ship, by force if necessary, and tow it to Ashdod port. The activists will be arrested for illegal entry and will be deported to Cyprus or to their home countries."

The left-wing activists were scheduled to set sail Tuesday, but they were delayed by bad weather.

"The time is always ripe to do right." Nelson Mandela

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