Thursday, October 9

The Nazis of Our Time

“I fear very much that the Jews are like all underdogs. When they get on the top they are just as intolerant and cruel as the people were to them when they were underneath. I regret this situation very much because my sympathy has always been on their side.” Harry Truman

Table of Contents


Section I

1- Introduction: Why the Nazi analogy

2- Growing up with the Occupation

3- Zionism must be abolished for peace

4- My message to the Jews

Section II

1- Emulating the Wehrmacht

2- Murderous army

3- Massacre in Beit Hanoun

4- Killing and more killing

5- Another family down

6- Bullet in the eye

7- Israeli soldiers admit killing boy for fun

8- A Palestinian olive farmer’s tragic tale

9- Blood for votes

10-Sharon’s successful slaughter

11-Killing deliberately by mistake

12-Bombs and pogroms

13-I was in hell

14-Kristallnacht revisited

15-“The Jews committed a Holocaust against my family”

16-Jenin, the Warsaw Ghetto of Palestine

17-Telephone terror

18-Gaza: The Auschwitz of our time

19- Virnichtung in Gaza

20-Child-killers par excellance

21- Israel : a cancer on Jewish conscience

Section III

1- Zionist Sadism

2- Roadblocks: tools of repression and humiliation

3- She can go give birth with Arafat

4- Jewish settlers: Nazis with skullcaps

5- The Nazi Rabbi

6- Meet Adolph Lieberman

7- Talmudic mentality

8- The Pesach schizophrenia

9-The Hanukkah of Darkness

10-The “Übermensch” and the “Untermensch”

11- The curse of the curfew

12- The ‘Omalla’: agents of the Occupation

13- Bedouins: Israel ’s forgotten victims

Section IV

1- Just who is the terrorist?

2- Earlier Jewish terrorism

3- Major massacres

4-The Sabra and Shatila Massacre

5- From their mouths

6- Israel is a liar, America is a bigger liar

7- Germany ’s criminal approach to the Palestinians

8- Sarkozy: the extraordinary Zionist

9- In the name of the holocaust

10- Palestinians should seek reparations from Germany

11-Distorting anti-Semitism

12- Shame on Harvard

13- Couldn’t Zionism lie about the Holocaust?

14-Christian Zionism

15-Evangelical Ignorance about Islam

16-Jews can’t have it both ways

17-When will Jews stop cursing other people’s religions?

18- On hating the hateful

Section- V

1- Israel will be responsible for the next 9/11

2- Muslims don’t hate freedom, they hate oppression

3- Right of return is the Palestinian problem

4- No peace in Palestine , no peace in the world

5- Hamas will not recognize Israel for a pie in the sky

6- Israel nuclear bombs, the biggest threat to world peace

7- Mendacious arguments

8- The suicide bomber

9- Why we hate America

10-America’s ugly face in the Muslim world

11- The liar of Washington is not welcome in Palestine

12- America ’s whoring season

13-Not true democracy

14-Jewish attacks on al-Aqsa Mosque

15-Racist justice system

16-Shimon Peres: war criminal par execellance

17- The High cost of subservience to Israel

18- One state, not two, is the solution

If you wish to obtain an electronic copy of this book, please contact the author at the following email address:

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