Thursday, October 30

Al-Haq in Toronto Oct 28 & 2

Bilin Village Council v. Green Park International
In collaboration with U of T Faculty of Law International Human Rights Program, ACLA is pleased to present a public lecture by:
Maysa Zorob, Dylan Smith and John Reynolds from Al Haq
Mark Arnold, Lawyer Representing the Palestinian Village of Bilin.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, Flavelle House, 78 Queen?s Park, Room BLH
Doors: 6:00 pm; Opening Remarks 6:45; Lecture 7:00

Having exhausted the limited remedies in Israel, the villagers of Bil?in have brought their peaceful struggle for justice to Canada. With the assistance of Mark Arnold, a Toronto based lawyer, its Israeli counsel, and Al-Haq, a Palestinian human rights organization, the village of Bil'in has filed a lawsuit in Quebec against Green Mount International Inc. and Green Park International Inc. - two Canadian companies accused of violating international, Canadian and Quebec law by building settlements on Israeli occupied Palestinian land.

Memory of the Cactus: The Creation of Canada Park on the land of destroyed Palestinian Villages
In collaboration with the Toronto Palestine Film Festival, ACLA is pleased to co-present a film and discussion with the members of Al Haq:
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 at 7:00 pm
Revue Cinema, 400 Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto
Advance Tickets ($10):

The documentary produced by Al Haq reveals the story behind Israel's "Canada Park". In 1967, the Palestinian villages of Imwas, Yalo and Beit Nouba in the West Bank were destroyed after Israel occupied the territory. Today, village residents remain displaced and barred from returning to their homes, while their land has been converted into ?Canada Park? by the Jewish National Fund, a Canadian registered charity.

For more information please contact or visit

Nov 3, 7:30 London, Ontario
Memory of the Cactus screening and discussion
Wemple Room, Monsignor Wemple Building, University of King's College, Epworth at Waterloo

Toronto Palestine Film Festival
The Toronto Palestine Film Festival is happening all week. Purchase tickets online at One legal based documentary is called USA v. Al-Arian. USA vs Al-Arian is a portrait of an Arab-American family facing terrorism charges leveled by the U.S. Government. The film shows the personal story of a family living in a society where fear of terrorism has resulted in increasing stigmatization and discrimination against Muslims. Co-presented with Hot Docs.

Arab Canadian Lawyers Association (ACLA)
Association des avocats Arabo-Canadiens
142 Spadina Road, Suite 104 Toronto, ON M5R 2T8

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