Saturday, September 6

In Memory of the Victims of the Sabra Shatila Massacre,

SSF Laptop Distribution Program:

In Memory of the Victims of the Sabra Shatila Massacre,

In Solidarity with Palestinian and Lebanese youth

PRESS RELEASE: Embargoed until 5 September 2008

A Sabra-Shatila Massacre Memorial Event will begin at 10:30am on 16 September 2008. The event will commence outside the Shatila Palestinian Refugee Camp in Beirut, Lebanon, at the Kuwaiti Embassy roundabout, and will proceed in a short Memorial Walk to Martyr's Square off Rue Sabra, at the site of the 1982 massacre. Among those commemorating the 26th anniversary will be friends and relatives of the victims, foreign delegations, local student groups, NGOs, dignitaries, and government officials. The ceremony will include the launch of 3000 balloons in tribute to the 3000 people killed in 1982.

Just as the release of the balloon is at once a symbol of both honour and hope, this event will also mark a move forward for the new generation of Camp residents. The Sabra-Shatila Foundation ( announces the distribution of specially designed educational XO laptop computers as gifts to Palestinian students living in Shatila Camp. The Foundation will present laptops with award certificates to hundreds of students.

This distribution is part of a projected 100,000 laptops to be donated in the coming months to deprived Palestinian and Lebanese students in Lebanon. It is the hope and commitment of the Sabra-Shatila Foundation that all 59 Palestinian Refugee Camps in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Gaza and all of Palestine will, in the near future, benefit from the XO Laptop educational programme now being launched in Lebanon.

Full details of the history of the XO Laptop educational programme, as well as full specifications of the laptop unit can be found at The One Laptop Per Child programme is a non-profit organization providing children in need with a tool to discover their potential for learning and becoming part of the solution to the challenges faced by their community. These benefits are being implemented here in Lebanon by the Sabra-Shatila Foundation, and donations are gratefully accepted using the bank account details in the footer of this press release. Contributions from outside Lebanon can also be made online by donating through our website at

Media Enquiries:

Ghada Jilani ( and Nadia Selbak (

Inquiries regarding Donations of XO Laptops on behalf of individuals, families, associations, NGOs: contact Mariam Looi Pok ( Special Palestinian or Lebanese recipient hardship case inquiries: contact Zeinab Hajj (

All other Inquiries:

The Sabra-Shatila Foundation

Third Floor, Akka Hospital

Kuwait Embassy Road

Beirut, Lebanon



Telephone: +961-70-164-648; Beirut mobile: 70-164-648

Fax: +961-543-1445


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