Thursday, August 21

"Canadian Zionist Group Presses for Freeze in PA Funding "

C.F. Bernadotte

"The Canadian Legal Forum for Israel (CLFI) has asked the Canadian government to immediately freeze all aid dollars Ottawa is slated to send to the Palestinian Authority (PA). Canada has provided the PA with $300 million in aid on condition that the money serves "to build security, governance and prosperity."
According to the CLFI, the PA has overtly violated its agreement with Israel to assist in counter-terrorism; it has even actively sought out and executed those PA residents who have assisted Israel in fighting terrorism.
The Forum is asking people to pressure Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Foreign Affairs Minister David Emerson and local MPs to freeze all the money going to the PA until there is confirmation that the PA has freed members of a family held in a PA jail for assisting Israel in its counter-terrorism operations."
comment; they might actually being doing Palestinians a favour; most of this money is earmaked for Abbas' security apparatus anyway...

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