Saturday, May 31

The Israeli Wehrmacht

From Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank

I realize that comparing Israel with Nazi Germany makes many people angry. However, it is perfectly true that when Israel thinks, behaves and acts as Nazi Germany did, Israel becomes deserving of and qualified for the ultimate comparison.

And Israel has been and is behaving and acting very much as Nazi Germany did prior to and during the Second World War. I bet this is not news for all those who have been following up Israeli behavior against the Palestinians (and other peoples of the Middle East) ever since Zionism seized Palestine from its native inhabitants sixty years ago.

Let us borrow some examples from the outrage that is happening right now before our eyes in the Gaza Strip where Israel is effectively carrying out slow-motion genocide against the enclave's 1.5 million Palestinians.

On Friday, 30 May, trigger-happy Israeli soldiers indoctrinated in the racist ideology that non-Jews are not complete human beings, opened fire on unarmed Palestinian demonstrators in the northern Gaza Strip, wounding and maiming seven people.

According to medical sources, at least two of the victims were listed in critical conditions.

The protesters were not trying to "storm Israel" and posed no risk whatsoever to the safety of Israeli soldiers.

They were merely protesting the diabolic blockade imposed on them for the past 12 months by a state that claims to be a light upon the nations.

Yet, the murderous sons of Zionism shot into the crowd of protesters without any thought for the innocent blood they were spilling. The apathy and feeling of nonchalance should remind us of Nazi behaviors more than six decades ago.

There is no doubt that a state that murders innocent people knowingly and deliberately is a criminal state that is an abomination, not a light, upon the nations.

Likewise, there is no doubt that the citizens of such a state who passively or actively watch the daily theatre of murder without trying to stop it or at least speaking up against it are as criminal-minded as those Germans that watched, saw and looked the other way when Jews and non-Jews were being exterminated en mass at the hands of the Nazi beast.

Zionist Jews, who are bringing dishonor to Judaism, a great religion that teaches "thou shall not murder" and "thou shall not lie," and "thou shall not steal" have no right to lecture the world about the evils of Nazism as long as they adamantly refuse to apply the lessons of the holocaust to their Palestinian victims.

After all, there is no such a thing as a kosher genocide or a kosher holocaust. And when Jews (or anyone else) think, behave and act like Nazis, they become Nazis. Pure and simple. A crime doesn't become less when perpetrated by Jewish hands.

Interestingly, the incident near the Erez Checkpoint on Friday was actually minor compared to the pornographic atrocities and crimes against humanity Israel has been committing in Gaza. According to human rights organizations, including Israel's own B'tselem group, Israel has killed and maimed thousands of innocent people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank since 2000.

The Israeli army murdered Palestinian families vacationing along the Gaza beach. The Israeli army murdered children sleeping in the privacy of their homes and flats. The Israeli army knowingly and deliberately bombed residential homes and annihilated entire families on the ground that a member of the doomed family held political views the Zionist establishment didn't like. Israel committed these crimes, not once, or twice, but many times.

And never ever did Israeli military and political officials truly expressed regret for their crimes. And whenever they did, they did it for media consumption, given the continuation of these criminal obscenities.

Israel is a lying nation that lies as often as it breathes. It claims it is only reacting to Palestinian rockets fired from the Gaza Strip onto nearby Jewish settlements in southern Israel.

However, it is crystal clear that it is Israel, not Hamas, that has been refusing a ceasefire by arrogantly insisting that Israel must retain the right to murder, starve and blockade Palestinians for not accepting the "legitimacy" of Zionism.

Well, Zionism has no legitimacy just as Nazism had no legitimacy, and according legitimacy, especially moral legitimacy to Zionism, would be like according legitimacy to Nazism.

Indeed, it would be a thunderous act of moral insanity to lend legitimacy to an ideology that permits the mass murder and mass expulsion of one people in order to enable another people to enjoy life at the expense of the victims.

It is perfectly true that the magnitude of Israeli criminality against the Palestinians has not reached the level of the holocaust.

But it is also true that the "manageable level" of Israeli Nazism is not mainly attributed to Zionist morality. Morality and Zionism are an eternal oxymoron.

Indeed, the Israeli blockade of Gaza, which in many aspects resembles the Nazi siege of Ghetto Warsaw, demonstrates that Zionist Jews could embark on the unthinkable if they thought the world would grant them a few weeks or months to "get the job done." The nearly daily statements we keep hearing from some Israeli rabbis, intellectuals and politicians underscore the Nazi mentality permeating throughout Israel.

This is the reason Israel keeps trying to desensitize and neutralize world public opinion with regard to Israeli crimes against the Palestinians.

In the past, Israel refrained from exterminating a larger number of Palestinians due to possible American objections. This is when American retained a modicum of common sense in its overall discourse.

Now, however, there are influential American circles, especially within the evangelical and Jewish communities, that wouldn't necessarily view a prospective Palestinian genocide at Israel's hands as something totally undesirable or unacceptable. Didn't Eli Weisel claim that the world that didn't protect Jews from Nazism had no right to protect Palestinians from Israel?

Hence, it is essential that genuine efforts be made to stop the slide toward a full-fledged genocide against a long-tormented people that has survived 60 years of oppression and persecution at the hands of the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of the holocaust.

This task is certainly not easy but not impossible either. We need to see hundreds of thousands or millions of people take to the streets in the capitals of Europe to urge governments to see to it that the current slow-moving genocide be stopped immediately and that the people of Gaza be allowed to access food, and fuel and other basic consumer goods.

In short, Israel must not be allowed to destroy an entire people under the rubric of fighting Hamas.

Otherwise, what is the point of even remembering the holocaust?

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