Thursday, July 3

Palestinian resistance against the ghetto system escalates


E-NEWSLETTER - recent updates
from the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign

July 03, 2008

June 2008:

Palestinian resistance against the

ghetto system escalates

Latest News


Call from occupied Jerusalem: Stop the Expulsion


A network of seventeen Palestinian human rights NGOs, including Stop the Wall, today launched a campaign to mobilize the international community to end the expulsion of Palestinians from Jerusalem by the Israeli occupation. [MORE]


Ni'lin - a Village in Struggle:


Ni'lin steps up the struggle: Israeli bulldozers destroyed to stop the Wall!

This morning the people in Ni'lin organized another mass demonstration to protect their lands and lives from destruction by the Apartheid Wall. As the construction workers did not agree to stop their work on demand of the people, the protestors have disabled their equipment. [MORE]

Ni'lin villagers disable two bulldozers

On June 24, during a day long confrontation with Occupation forces, demonstrators in Ni'lin seriously disrupt construction of the Wall. Occupation forces were barred from invading the village while two bulldozers were disabled. [MORE]

Video footage: Ni'lin: our struggle against the Apartheid Wall
This video shows the ongoing struggle of Ni'lin village against the occupation's campaign of dispossession. Located in west Ramallah district, the village lost the greater part of its lands in 1948. The Apartheid Wall is now destroying the rest of the lands, the village's thriving economy.
However, the occupation forces have met with determined resistance. Hundreds of people are out in the fields three times a week to ensure that the works for the Wall are interrupted or delayed. [


More News:


Fire engines turned away while Jabara village's land goes up in flames

Yesterday land belonging to Jabara village in Tulkarem district was destroyed in a serious fire, destroying some 1500 dunums of agricultural land and 5000 olive and almond trees. Occupation forces at the gates in the Wall prevented villagers and fire engines from getting to the scene of the fire in order to extinguish it. [MORE]

The whole of Arab ar-Ramadin threatened with destruction

The entire village of Arab ar-Ramadin has been threatened with expulsion by the Occupation. This is the latest development in low intensity siege waged against the village since the Wall went up in 2004. The residents, who are completely isolated from the West Bank, have been fighting for years to remain on their lands. [MORE]


150 people in Ras Tira refused right to live in their village

The Occupation administration has refused to issue entry permits to Ras Tira to 150 people who carry Ras Tira, ad-Dab'a, and Wadi ar-Rasha identity cards. These Palestinians are effectively barred from accessing their village, lands and homes, all of which are isolated behind the Wall. [MORE]


Demolitions in Beit Awa and Husan to put further pressure on the villages

The Occupation continues to target Palestinian population centres that fall near the Wall or its planned path. This policy has led to the issuing of demolition orders to homes and businesses in Beit 'Awa and Husan.. [MORE]


Community Voice


Jayyous to Dubai: Boycott Leviev - Save our lands and future!
We, the people of Jayyous in occupied Palestine, denounce the Israeli businessman Mr. Lev Leviev and his criminal and colonial destruction of our lands and livelihoods.
You can make a difference now. Make it clear to Israel and it's supporters that you will not deal with bloodstained diamonds. [

Worldwide Activism

Another victory against Leviev: UNICEF cuts ties
UNICEF has cut ties with diamond magnate Lev Leviev on account of his involvement in settlement construction in Palestine, particularly on land belonging to the villages of Jayyous and Bil'in. [MORE]


Worldwide Activism

Seattle divestment initiative gains ground
The Green Party of Seattle has endorsed Initiative 97, which calls for the city of Seattle Employees' Retirement Fund to restrict investment on companies profiting from war and occupation in Iraq and Palestine. [MORE]

UK Union votes for boycott and divestment
UNISON, a union in the UK, has strengthened its policy of boycott, divestment and sanctions from the Occupation state during its 2008 National Delegate Conference. UNISON, which has a membership of 1.3 million workers, is the largest public sector union in the country. [MORE]

COSATU attacks Israeli business project in South Africa
 Following reports that an Israeli company won a substantial contract to work in South Africa, the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) issued a strong statement attacking the project, promising serious action if it is not halted. [MORE]
Visit the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign web site.




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