Thursday, June 12

A 23 hours and 20 minutes day!

Could it be that a Palestinian's day is only 23 hours and 20 minutes! I've always felt we're special, somehow singled out in the world but never did it occur to me that while the sun took 24 hours from one sunset to another, that while Big Ben struck a new day every 24 hours, Palestinians are only given 23 hours and 20 minutes a day!

In front of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, Barak said, addressing the controversy surrounding Israeli roadblocks in the West Bank, and I quote here from Haaretz: "If a Palestinian day in not 24 hours long, but 23 hours and 20 minutes long because of the [wait at the] roadblocks, that's the price of Israeli citizens' safety."

When I first read the article I found myself laughing, thinking of all these funny scenarios, of Palestinians being confused by the fact that they are given a shorter day:

"Hmmm, we'll need to order customized watches that run a bit slower (or is faster)? ... Does this put a new spin to the term Arab Time … so we need to introduce a new concept Palo Time… sorry I'm on Palo Time, my day is shorter… things to do… people to see… gotta go…"

It didn't take me long to stop laughing… this is no joking matter. For an Israeli minister to make such a statement only show how far Israelis have come in their disregard to the humanity of Palestinian and for such a statement to be only mentioned "by the by" it show how not only Israel, but the whole world has accepted that Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank can be regarded somehow deferent, they are to suffer silently, and the "oh, well, what can we do about it" attitude prevails.

Suddenly I have an idea, what if we - in solidarity - dedicate the extra 40 minutes every day to do good for Palestine:

10] Cook a good healthy meal instead of eating out, saving around $3,000 a year to donate to your favorite Palestinian Cause

9] Plant a herbal/vegetable garden savings around 1,000 a year to donate to your favorite Palestinian cause

8] Join a Palestinian solidarity organization - 40 minutes a day is 250 hours a year

7] Write opinion letters to news papers for Palestinians and Palestine

6] Go online and comments on as many news stories about Palestine as possible

5] Read a book about Palestine, learn the history

4] Walk/Cycle to work, saving at least $2,000 a year to donate to your favorite Palestinian cause

3] Spend 40 minutes a day alone, make it a special time to reflect and think about what matters most for you

2] Coffee with a friend, don't just set in front of the TV feeling sorry about the world, go out meet your friends, make new friends, get them involved

1] "Free Palestine", write it on as many walls as you can

This is my top 10 list, what's yours?

Brought to you by,

The Boukra Team.


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