Tuesday, May 27

Help ban cluster bombs!

I've just sent a message to government leaders urging a strong ban on cluster bombs. I hope you'll join me. Here's the link:


And here's more info from Avaaz.org:

Final negotiations are underway right now in Dublin, Ireland on a treaty to ban cluster bombs -- but its outcome is in danger.

Cluster munitions don't just kill during war--they scatter small, unexploded "bomblets" on the ground. When children pick them up, they are often maimed or killed. Most governments agree that they should be banned--but many are now trying to weaken the proposed treaty with loopholes, exemptions, and delays.

Negotiations end this Thursday. If enough of us raise our voices, we can drown out the arms manufacturers and convince our governments to do the right thing. Click below to send a message, and then forward this email to friends and family:


You are receiving this email because someone sent it to you via the "tell-a-friend" tool at Avaaz.org. Avaaz retains no information about individuals contacted through this tool. Avaaz will not send you further messages without your consent--although your friends could, of course, send you another message.


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