Monday, April 14

What is wrong with Egypt?

Comment by Khalid Amayreh
in Jerusalem

Not since the downfall of the British
puppet King Faruq in
1952 has the Egyptian national
will been so shamefully subservient to a foreign power, namely the
United States, whose politics and policies are tightly controlled by
Zionist Jews.

Today, Egypt, which could have become an African or Middle
Eastern economic tiger is facing a hard time feeding its nearly
80 million citizens. Last month, several people were killed while
standing in long queues waiting their turn to buy bread, the main
staple for most Egyptians.

Economically, inflation has reached an all time high, with Egyptian
civil servants barely able to make ends meet. Some, probably many,
Egyptians are forced to “eke out” some extra pounds to remain afloat,
mainly through bribery and other forms of corruption.

This bleak reality has forced thousands of skilled and highly-educated
Egyptians to leave the country in order to seek a dignified life abroad,
mainly in oil-rich Arab countries or in the West.

Fifty years ago, Egypt and South Korea were more or less at the same
socio-economic level. However, while the latter succeeded in becoming
an industrial and economic giant, the former is still languishing in
poverty, perennially awaiting grain shipments from abroad,
especially from the US.

One doesn’t have to be a great authority in economics to understand
the reasons for Egypt’s failure and enduring backwardness.

Egypt, since the Camp David Accords in the late 1970s, effectively
lost its free will to the United States and therefore to Israel. Indeed,
instead of aspiring to make Egypt the “China” or “India” or even
“Malaysia” of the Arab world, the Egyptian regime opted to surrender
Egypt’s national will to the US, all in order to maintain its own power!

Egypt is not a country without resources, or indeed, without brains.
However, for brains to function properly, they need a fee environment.
Brains simply can’t function in an environment dominated by
despotism, tyranny and authoritarianism. Dictatorship can only
produce human robots that obey orders, but don’t think.

Unfortunately, Egypt is still among the most authoritarian states
in the contemporary world. People are arrested and tortured for
their conscience and thought. Political opponents spend more
time in the regime’s dungeons than they do with their families, and
voters deemed “non-conformists” are beaten savagely for daring
to exercise their democratic rights.

Unfortunately, this is done while America, which doesn’t stop
boasting about their own First Amendment and civil liberties,
keeps babbling about “making progress” toward democracy in
the Arab world.

Militarily, Egypt’s will to create a deterrent force in the face of
Israel’s huge nuclear arsenal has long been strangled by brazen
American intervention.

This is really scandalous especially given the unending statements
from Israeli leaders that Egypt, not Iran, is Israel’s strategic enemy.

How many times have Israeli cabinet ministers threatened to
bomb the Aswan High Dam? How many times have Israeli leaders
threatened to destroy the Pyramids? How many times has Israel,
implicitly or explicitly, threatened to create trouble for Egypt by
conspiring with Ethiopia to divert the waters of the Nile or limit
the amount of water destined to Egypt and Sudan?

I really don’t understand the mindsets of Egyptian strategists who
spend their time devising plots against opposition parties, such as
the Ikhwan and Kifaya, while ignoring the real and haunting threat
coming from Israel, a state which will soon be under the control of
the genocidal fundamentalist millenarian Zionists who believe that
dropping nuclear bombs on major Arab towns such Cairo,
Damascus and even Mecca would expedite the appearance of the
Mashiah, or Redeemer.

So, what have the people, who are entrusted with the paramount task
of protecting Egypt and its 80 million inhabitants from external threats,
done to forestall such scenarios? The answer is nothing, absolutely
nothing, apart from trusting the US to restrain Israel.

To compensate its multi-faceted impotence and incompetence, the
Egyptian regime is now trying to display its potency by helping Israel
perfect and maximize its Nazi-like blockade of Gaza.

A few months ago, the Foreign minister of Egypt, threatened to break
the bones of Gazans who dared cross the borders into Egypt.

And then the Egyptian authorities adopted a number of manifestly
hostile measures against Gazans, like keeping them stranded for weeks
and months in sub-human conditions on the Egyptian side of the border.

Egypt has also sided with the American-backed Palestinian Authority
in Ramallah in refusing to reopen the Rafah border crossing, the Gaza
Strip’s only remaining conduit to the outside world, unless Israel is
allowed to have the final say as to who will and won’t be allowed to
pass through!! Isn’t that more shameful than shame itself?

Yes, Egypt has every right to protect its security against terrorists and
saboteurs. And the Palestinian people are the last people on earth who
would want to see Egypt’s vital security interests undermined.

And there may well be a few rogue elements who have sold their souls
to the devil by joining some international terrorist groups. But fighting
these criminals should never be done by conspiring with Israel to starve
Gazans by turning Gaza into an updated version of the Warsaw Ghetto,
which Egypt is now doing.

Israel is murdering innocent Gazans on a daily basis. Last week, the
Israeli army, knowingly and deliberately, murdered several Palestinian
children and minors, to be added to the thousands of other Palestinians
murdered mercilessly by the army of a state that commits genocide in
the name of Jewish supremacy just as the Wehrmacht did the same
thing in the name of Aryan supremacy.

Unfortunately, instead of stepping in to help and comfort the starved
and tormented Palestinians, the Egyptian government is doing quite
the opposite by hermitically shutting off the borders with Gaza, all in
order to obtain a certificate of good conduct from Tel Aviv and

It is with a heavy heart that I am writing these sad words because I
have always loved and continue to love Egypt, a country that deserves a
better fate and a different destiny.

But God doesn’t change the lot of a people, unless they
themselves have the will to change their conditions.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:54 pm

    why are you complaining?? our country is getting help from britain and USA.
    America pays almost 3 billion dollars every year for egypt. this is the second bigger american aid in the world.
    at the same time British helped our country get almost 90% of nile river resource. so let us not don't bit the hand feeding us!!
    If America and British did not help us our Egypt would be very poor like Ethiopia or Somalia. More than 85% of the Nile resource comes from Ethiopia. Only 5% of Nile soil resource comes from lower Egypt. The last 80 years, we have used almost 90% of Nile resources while almost 10 million Ethiopian die of hunger every five years.
    This means more than 150 million ethiopians died because of hunger the last few decades because England helped our country dominate the Nile. This is good news for us. Stop complaining and Enjoy when more million Ethiopians die every year. Read this:
