Friday, April 25

Bank of Israel’s website cracked by Muslim hacker

Muslim hacker quotes Malcolm X on
bank's English-language site,
leaves messages against Israeli ‘occupation’,
US Iraqi invasion.

The Bank of Israel’s website was cracked Thursday.
Readers of the English-language website noticed anti-Israeli
and anti-American messages planted on the site by a Muslim
hacker. The hacker, who calls himself “The Moorish” chose a
defacement assault, whereby the web pages of the assaulted
are sabotaged and their contents are altered.

The hacker left a message on the site saying,
“As an anti-colonial Muslim, I fully support the armed
resistance of the Palestinians, Iraqis and Lebanese
against the US and Israel. I am serious about the
liberation! By any means rendered necessary!

"This is the only way by which oppressed people can
emancipate themselves than from the Zionist and
American oppressors…the oppressors have not conceded
to non-violent measures; therefore, their victims have no
commitment to non-violent resistance…”

Messages and video on
Bank of Israel's website
(screen shot)

The hacker signs off by
quoting Malcolm X: “I'm nonviolent with those who are
nonviolent with me.”


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