Sunday, March 2

Two Must Watch Videos Israeli democracy

Important: This year Israel is celebrating its 60th anniversary
of the core accomplishment that made "Israeli democracy"
possible - and real Israeli democracy impossible -
the violent ethnic cleansing of the majority of
the population,
the Palestinians.

Unlike the immigrants, many being veterans of WWII, these
farming communities had no military experience and -
thanks to draconian British colonial suppression -
no modern weaponry, no efficient organisation and few
leaders not in exile or already killed. In a few months time
- well before the Arab states declared war on Israel -
the significant part of the ethnic cleansing was accomplished.

Until 1948, zionism had encompassed many differing political
strains. As of that year, criminal nationalism came to sideline
more humanistic and democratic agendas.

To this day, the state of Israel has celebrated its founding
criminals, hidden the truth of 1948 and relentlessly
continued the expropriation and ethnic cleansing of
land and the herding of the dispossessed inhabitants
into ever smaller enclaves.

The core of the Israel-question is the question of ethnic cleansing -
is it ALWAYS a crime against humanity? Or shall we look away,
ignoring the rights of the 10 million Palestinians
living today because the perpetrators were (and are)
our own friends and relatives, who would face economic
hardship if the land and estates could be returned to the
rightful owners, the heirs of the victims of the Palestinian
Holocaust? This is the core question that we must face now,
and that we will be judged by in times to come.

So, the issue of the refugees and their right to return
to Palestine proper is in essence the question of ethnic
cleansing and criminal nationalism.
There are no in-between positions on this matter, only two choices
- the legal, ethical, righteous way or the criminal option, the road to the Hague

Yes, it's just a cup, but the neat thing is, I can be an
activist for human rights and international law
WHILE I'm having a break!

I tell you, this cup works, particularly at work.
It's a perfect point of departure for colleagues ready to come
out of the closet. Zionism and ethnic cleansing sure seems
to go out of style around here.

Help human decency - make your own cups for your
own area! Search the net for suppliers of profiling
merchandise - you know, for companies or sport teams.
The actual content can be set up in Word and sent as an
appendix to an e-mail. A number of suppliers handled
our tender for this project, and none of them
objected to the message.

Go for it! Let's not be modest, let's dismantle the
infrastructure of zionism - the current flag-bearer
of criminal nationalism!


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:55 pm

    Hello, I'm the author/maker of these two videos. Thanks for putting them, and my texts, on your blog - I'm delighted that they are appreciated.

    I can be reached via these same videos on YouTube.

    Bjsman, Oslo, Norway
