Friday, March 7

Talk to Jazeera - Khaled Meshaal - 05 March 08 - Pt. 2

A report released this week by the American
magazine Vanity Fair disclosed a plan by the
US administration to overthrow the
democratically-elected Hamas
by arming rival Fatah forces through
millions of dollars worth of weapons.
This as Israel wag
ed its deadliest round of attacks on Gaza since 2000.

Al Jazeera's Hashim Ahlbarra meets with Hamas's
Khaled Meshaal, head of the group's political bureau,
and asks him about the report.

In this episode of Talk to Jazeera, Meshaal,
talks about the leaked US plan of arming Fatah
and instigating a civil war in Gaza.

He also talks about rocket fire from the coastal
strip and answers questions about a possible
truce with Israel.

Meshaal says the surfacing of this report vindicates
Hamas's coup of Gaza, claiming that it was a
pre-emptive measure forced upon them to
preserve their existence and the voice of
those who voted for them.

Al Jazeera also questions the leader on Hamas'
logic behind rocket attacks from Gaza in light of
the recent onslaught by Israel and the humanitarian
loss as a result.

The Hamas leader is questioned about his links
with Iran and where the group gets its backing
from. Meshaal denies any funding or armament
from Iran and insists that Hamas is an independent
group, reliant on no one.

On talks with Israel, Meshaal says that following
the "holocaust" perpetrated by the Israelis, talks
are out of the question. He also says that Mahmoud
Abbas, Palestinian president, should reassess his
position on talks as well.


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