Thursday, March 13

Spare a moment to help out on Gaza

There is a student at the University of Pennsylvania taking a
journalism course on the Middle East. I was hoping that
someone could answer a few of my questions
through email.

send your replies to

Because the student personally thinks
the humanitarian crisis in
Gaza has not gotten the attention it deserves,
The student is currently writing on the subject and what it
means in real terms for the people living there.

If you have the time or if you could pass this on
to someone that does, I would really appreciate it.

I have only a couple questions that will take only ten minutes
to answer. I have listed them below as Please feel free to add
any additional comments you have.

Thank you for your time,

The questions:

What is your name and current occupation?

Humanitarian groups list various statistics about the
problems facing Palestinians but how do these statistics
transfer into the daily experiences of Palestinians?

Children comprise fifty-six percent of the Palestinian
population. What is the biggest problem facing them today?
How will the problems they face today affect them in the future?

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is reported to be the
worst it has been since 1967; however, the crisis has been
worsening over a long period of time. What could have
been done to prevent or mitigate it?

Groups such as Oxfam UK, Amnesty International,
and CARE International recently released a report
(March 6th) on the Humanitarian crisis in Gaza that
stated Israeli authorities are bound by their obligations
under international humanitarian and human rights law
to ensure the welfare of the population of the Occupied
Palestinian Territories. Do you believe this is true and if
so, why has there not been a larger international outcry?

Is there anything an average American can do to
help end the humanitarian crisis?


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