Saturday, March 22

New Blog Added To The Window Into Palestine Network


Is a new blog that I have been working
on the past 2 days.It will be the new place
where I post videos, documentaries
on Palestine.

I am not surprised at some of the feedback I have received
in my journey of posting documentaries, films, & videos
on Palestine. A lot of people especially here in North America
really don't know that much about Palestine and believe
the Mainstream Media here who defend Israel.

People tend not to believe so much the articles and words people
write or say but with videos they see the crimes and Israeli atrocities
committed against the people of Palestine.

I have received much appreciation and feedback for not only posting
about Palestine but posting videos and more thus generating more
support for a just cause: and a different perspective far from the
North American Media is created.

So visit, bookmark, and let everyone know about
the Palestine Video Blog here

In another note you can also read books on this blog
by checking out Read The Book Link Section
on the right hand side of article postings.

Also there is a photo section at the bottom of the blog.

Much thanks to everyone The Video Blog will be linking too
in creating more awareness on the occupation of Palestine
and the struggle Palestinians face by Israel.

Some that deserve special mention include:
Sabbah micheline.garreau Andrew
Palestine Blogs & Palestine Daily Voices

If you have any feedback on this please post a comment!

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  1. Anonymous2:05 am

    Great Blog. A great resource indeed for people to gain awareness on what's happening in Palestine.

  2. Anonymous2:08 am

    If only we could show videos like this on mainstream television. I think if that was too happen you would see changes start to happen for the better in Palestine.
    Great site!

  3. Anonymous2:12 am

    Thank you so much for your feedback. And yes too bad they did not show that content on regular television here in North America.

    However I was very surprised to see the movie network here in Canada airing a movie/documentary I believe was called on the road to Gaza, that was surprising. The only thing is I don't know how many Canadians would have been up at 4:30 AM in the morning to watch.
