Friday, March 28

Israeli soldiers kill Hamas militant in Gaza

A militant of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)
was shot dead early on Friday by Israeli troops' gunfire
southeast of the Gaza Strip, Hamas sources and medics
said. Hamas said in a leaflet sent to reporters that one
of the movement's militants was killed in an exchange of
fire with an Israeli army force east of al-Garara village
in southern Gaza Strip.

Mo'aweya Hassanein, chief of emergency and ambulance
services in the Palestinian health ministry said that
Bilal al-Astal, 23,was killed and two other militants
injured. The three were brought to hospital by
an ambulance.

Meanwhile, an armed group calling itself "the Nation's army"
claimed responsibility on Friday for opening fire at an Israeli
army force, saying its militants shot and wounded three
Israeli soldiers near al-Garara.

"The ambush is a response to the caricatures of prophet
Mohamedand a response to the crimes committed against
Moslems in Jerusalem," said the nation's army leaflet.

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