Occupied Palestinian Territory:
The Separation Barrier in the West
Bank (as of Feb 2008)
46 killed in Gaza,
5 in the West Bank in February
The Media Office of the Nafha Society for defending
the Detainee's Rights and Human Rights, reported
on Monday that Israeli forces killed 51 Palestinians
in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip since the
beginning of this month. Seven children and two
women were among the casualties.
American activist shot in the head in Bil'in
Shanbo Heinemann, a pro-Palestinian activist from
San Francisco, California, was shot in the head with
a rubber bullet fired by Israeli terrorist forces
during a peaceful protest in Bil'in.
Israeli Soldiers detain
eight residents in Nablus
Palestinian Security sources in Nablus, in the northern
part of the West Bank, reported on Monday evening
that Israeli soldiers detained eights residents including
family members, in Khallit Al Amoud area in the city.
Seven were released later on, and one was moved
to an Israeli hospital.
Fatah accuses Executive Force of abducting
four Fatah members in Rafah
Sources close to the Fatah movement, headed by
President Mahmoud Abbas, reported on Monday at
night that Hamas-controlled security forces in the
Gaza Strip arrested four members of Fateh in Rafah,
in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.
Abbas government accused of torture
More detainees have complained of torture by the
Palestinian Authority following the death in custody
of a Hamas religious leader in the West Bank.
An Important Video Showing Clear Evidence
of Severe Torture of Imam Majd Barghouthi,
Murdered by Abbas' General
Intelligence During Torture
Fateh accuses Hamas security forces
of attacking a female university student in Gaza
Sources within Fateh movement reported on Monday
that Hamas security forces attacked a with an axe
female student of Al Azhar University in Gaza after
breaking into the campus.
Palestinian National Resistance shells
Israeli military base in Gaza
Palestinian National Resistance, the armed wing
of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine,
claimed responsibility for attacking an Israeli military
base in Gaza, Sofa base, on Tuesday morning.
Israeli army attacks Palestinian
societies and schools in Hebron
On Tuesday morning, Israeli forces invaded several
buildings belonging to the Islamic charitable
Association and Muslim Youth Association in the
southern West Bank city of Hebron. The Army then
confiscated property on the attacked sites based
on military orders.
Israeli military jeeps storm Bethlehem,
and clash with local youth
At least 15 Israeli military jeeps stormed on
Tuesday noon the West Bank city of Bethlehem,
IMEMC learned.
Israel seizes Hamas charity in
West Bank city of Hebron
JERUSALEM -- Israeli troops seized the facilities of
a Hamas-affiliated charity in the West Bank city of
Hebron, saying it funneled money to the Islamic
group's militant activities and recruited members to
its ranks, the army announced Tuesday.
The move against the Islamic Charity Movement came
three weeks after two Hamas members from Hebron
carried out a suicide bombing that killed a woman in the
Israeli town of Dimona. JERUSALEM --
Israeli troops seized the facilities of a Hamas-affiliated
charity in the West Bank city of Hebron, saying it funneled
money to the Islamic group's militant activities and
recruited members to its ranks, the army announced Tuesday.
Israel arrests nine
Palestinians in West Bank
Israeli forces arrested nine Palestinians in West Bank
early Tuesday during raids into the occupied territory,
Palestinian security forces said. The detentions took
place in the cities of Nablus, Qalqiliya, Bethlehem,
Hebron, Jericho and Abu Dis, the sources added.
Hamas says uncovered
network of collaborators
Islamist group's internal security service arrests three
Palestinians it suspects assisted IDF in targeted killing
of senior members last week; Hamas officials say they
hope arrests will hinder IDF intelligence efforts.
Popular Committees appeals the release
of an ailing detainee imprisoned by Israel
The Palestinian Popular (Folk) Committees issued
a press release appealing several human rights groups
and the International Red Cross to intervene and save
the life of a Palestinian detainee who is suffering from a
heart disease and imprisoned by Israel.
Patients die as ambulances have
no fuel and Israel denies travel
The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR)
strongly condemns the policies of collective punishment
practiced by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) against the
Palestinian civilian population, including imposing a
tightened siege on the Gaza Strip, the denial or
obstruction of access to patients to appropriate medical
treatment outside or inside the Gaza Strip, which has
caused further deterioration of the health conditions of
dozens of patients. In the past few days, three Palestinian
patients from the Gaza Strip, including a woman and an
infant, have died due to denial of their access to medical
treatment outside the Gaza Strip, which suffers from
the lack of appropriate medical equipment and a
shortage in medicines. Additionally, many ambulances
have stopped operation due to the lack of fuels as IOF
have sharply decreased the amounts of fuels allowed into
the Gaza Strip. Palestinian medical crews have not been
able to provide appropriate medical services to the wounded
and patients, especially in Rafah, which was a scene for a
military operation conducted by IOF, during which five
Palestinians were killed and another 15 were wounded.
Stone-throwing youths confront
invading Israeli forces in Zeita
Israeli forces raided the northern West Bank town
of Zeita north of Tulkarem and ransacked several
houses on Monday morning. Ma'an's reporter said
that a fierce confrontation erupted near the separation
wall in the town between Palestinian youths and Israeli
forces. Teenagers pelted the invading forces with stones
and empty bottles while the soldiers fired gunshots and
sonic bombs. No casualties or arrests have been reported.
For some, jobs but no salaries
"The powdered milk, provided by [the UN agency
for Palestine refugees] UNRWA every three months,
is not enough. The lack of my salary for the past two
months has affected my living conditions," said
Mohammad al-Saftwai, a resident of northern Gaza.
EI correspondent in Gaza Rami Almeghari reports on the
Ramallah appointed government's suspending of the
salaries of some civil servants in Gaza.
Israeli closure caused Gaza Strip's economy
to collapse in 2007, study shows
Bethlehem – Ma'an – A new World Bank-supervised
study of imports and exports through the Gaza Strip's
reveals that "a dramatic collapse took place in the second
half of [2007], causing unprecedented unemployment
levels in the private sector, shut down of thousands of
establishments and dramatic export and market losses."
ISRAEL-OPT: Fuel shortages affecting
Gazans at all levels
Source: IRIN Fuel shortages and power outages
in the Gaza Strip continue to affect civilians and
institutions such as hospitals, and remain a part of daily life.
Bethlehem petrol stations continue their
strike; the city is running out of fuel
Owners of the Palestinian petrol stations located
in the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem
continued their strike on Monday and refused to refuel cars.
FACTBOX-Hamas's options in Gaza
FACTBOX-Israel's options on Gaza
Abbas and Olmert are pessimistic that a
peace deal will be achieved by the end of 2008
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the Israeli
Prime Minister Ehod Olmert were pessimistic about
achieving a peace deal by the end of 2008, Palestinian
and Israeli sources reported on Tuesday.
Olmert signals no end to settlement
Israeli PM insists he will not freeze construction of new
settlements in occupied Palestinian territories.
Israeli government is licensing
illegal settlement outposts
The Israeli Monitoring Committee, part of the Knesset
Committees, held a meeting on Monday apparently in
an attempt to grant licenses to illegal settlement
outposts for the settlers in the occupied West Bank.
Olmert aides: Demonstration in Gaza
'much ado about nothing'
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's airplane was winging
toward Japan late Sunday night when Hamas said it
would stage a mass demonstration against the Israeli
siege on the Gaza Strip. Some defense establishment
officials predicted horrific scenarios with tens of
thousands of Palestinians breaking through the border to Israel.
Palestinian negotiator calls for
new alternatives to peace talks
Disappointed of the current Israeli-Palestinian peace
talks, a Palestinian negotiator on Tuesday called for
new alternatives to be found on the Palestine issue.
"I'm afraid that the Palestinian side is still so far from
reaching an agreement with the Israeli side," said
Yasser Abed Rabbo, who is also a member of the
Palestinian Liberation Organization's (PLO)
executive committee.
Spokesman denies imminent reshuffle
on acting Palestinian gov't
Palestinian information minister on Tuesday denied
reports that the acting government, led by Salam
Fayyad, was going to be reshuffled. "The government
still enjoys full support from President Mahmoud
Abbas and there is nothing indicating an imminent
change on the government," said Riyadh al-Maliki
who is also the government's spokesman.
Ereikat denies Palestinian-Israeli
experts talks regarding water and economy
Head of the Negotiations Support Unit at the Palestine
Liberation Organization Dr. Sa'eb Ereikat, denied on
Monday any meeting between Palestinian and Israeli
experts regarding the issue of water and economy as
part of the final status proposed agreement.
Israeli diplomat postpones meeting
after Costa Rica recognizes Palestinian state
Israel has postponed a planned meeting with
Costa Rican officials over the Central American
nation's decision to formally recognize a Palestinian state.
Palestinian Professor released
after two years in detention
The Israeli Authorities released professor Issam Al Ashqar,
50, from the northern West Bank city of Nablus after two
years in administrative detention without trial.
Still no justice for October 2000 killings
On 2 October 2000, as the Israeli army was beginning
its ruthless crackdown on the second intifada in the
occupied territories, 17-year-old Aseel Asleh joined
tens of thousands of other Palestinian citizens across
Israel in taking to the streets in protest and in a show
of solidarity with their kin across the Green Line.
Something bad is happening to us
Three years ago, the CBS television network
broadcast photos of American soldiers abusing
prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. The
horrifying pictures led to the trials of eight soldiers,
dismissals and a storm of outrage in America. At the trial
of one prison guard, who was sentenced to eight years in
jail, a psychologist gave his evaluation: that the man was
an entirely ordinary person, without any particular violent
tendencies, who served as a guard for many years in civilian
life but never behaved sadistically toward American prisoners.
The situation of occupier and occupied, as opposed to that of
citizen versus citizen, causes ordinary people to become
violent and lose restraint. At Abu Ghraib, the trial found,
there was institutionalized contempt at every level. The
prison guards understood that "this is the way to behave here."
Israel's weapons - a diplomatic no-go area
Nuclear weapons are seen as the last resort of
Israel's security, the so-called "Samson option
" to be used in desperation - like the biblical
character who died with his enemies when he brought
down the temple on the heads of the Philistines.
Good for the Jews?
Hillary Clinton's surrogates are questioning
Obama's commitment to U.S.-Israel relations.
can be pro-Israeli
In meeting with Jewish community leaders at
Ohio synagogue, Democratic senator says there are
those who believe that being pro-Israeli means
adopting Likud's policy. 'That can't be the measure
of our friendship with Israel,' he clarifies.
The video was released as the Obama campaign
was laboring to rebut assertions that he
is unfriendly to Israel.
Obama camp blasts Clinton for
'Obama in Muslim garb' photo
Update: Clinton campaign doesn't deny
distributing photo, launches counter-attack.

Click on the headline for full story
Oppose $2.55 Billion in Military
Aid to Israel in FY2009
3-way standoff fuels Mideast violence
RAMALLAH, West Bank - Israel looks powerless to stop
the barrage of rockets from Hamas-ruled Gaza.
The Islamic militants, choked by a blockade of their territory,
find it increasingly difficult to hold on to power.
And moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
is facing growing pressure to suspend peace talks
because of Israel's strikes in Gaza......
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