Friday, February 15

Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines February 15, 2008 ~

Brought to you by Shadi Fadda
Click on the Headline to view full story!

Israeli army carrying out rampage of
terror, sabotage in Palestinian town
For the third consecutive day, hundreds of Israeli
occupation soldiers and agents of Israel's chief
domestic security agency, the Shin Bet, are
savaging and terrorizing this small Palestinian
town of 10,000 inhabitants, located just a few
kilometers north of Hebron in the southern West Bank.

West Bank woman denied
ambulance dies-Palestinians
TULKARM, West Bank, Feb 14 (Reuters) -
A Palestinian woman who was refused access to an
ambulance at an Israeli military checkpoint died in
her village in the occupied West Bank on Thursday,
a Palestinian doctor and relatives said. Local
witnesses said the husband of Fawziya Qabb
pleaded with soldiers at the Jarushiya checkpoint
near the town of Tulkarm to let his wife get to an
ambulance waiting to take her to a Palestinian
hospital but they ignored him.

Palestinian man injured

east of Tulkarem
Palestinian medical sources reported on Thursday
evening that a Palestinian man was moderately
wounded by Israeli military gunfire during an
evening invasion to Anabta town, east of the
northern West Bank city of Tulkarem.

Troops bar farmers from reaching
their lands east of Rafah
Israeli soldiers stationed at the eastern borders of Rafah,
in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, barred on
Thursday hundreds of residents from reaching their
agricultural lands as the army continued to carry
invasions into the area.

Female detainee interrogated for 20
days, barred from visitations
One of the lawyers of the Nafha Society for Defending
the Rights of the Detainees and Human Rights managed
recently to visit a female detainee, an activist in human
rights, after she was barred from her visitation
rights and was interrogated and confined to
solitary for twenty days.

Egyptian official: Guards ordered
to open fire at Palestinians
Border breaches will not be tolerated,
Egyptian official says ahead of meeting
with Hamas delegation.

'We'll shoot anyone who
crosses border'
A top Hamas delegation crossed into Egypt Thursday
to meet up with Egyptian officials wanting to make
clear that no further breaches of its border with the
Gaza Strip will be tolerated, a security official said.

Israeli FM refuses handover of Gaza's

crossings to Abbas in presence of Hamas
Israeli foreign minister, Tsibi Livni, refused
Thursday handover of Gaza's crossings to Palestinian
president Mahmoud Abbas in presence of the ruling Hamas.

Fayyad's government will allow
land sale to non-Palestinians
Palestinian sources revealed that the unconstitutional
government of Salam Fayyad decided to allow the sale
of Palestinian land to non-Palestinians which paves the
way for Zionists to buy Palestinian land. The government
decision was published on the website of Feras Press,
a website known for its links with the Fatah movement.

Hamas clinging

on in West Bank
The green flags of Hamas flew in the West Bank city of
Hebron last week. At the home of suicide bomber Shadi al-Zagher,
20, women from across the city crowded into family living room
to pay their respects to his mother.

Everything points to an
elusive Palestinian unity
Developments in recent weeks in and around the Gaza
Strip raise an important issue for debate within Israel
and among its supporters. Does Israel still have an
overriding strategic interest in Palestinian unity?
In the immediate future, should one of Israel's
objectives regarding the Palestinians be the restoration
of a unity government uniting Fatah and Hamas, the
West Bank and Gaza? And in the longer run, is it in
Israel's interest that the Gaza Strip and the West
Bank be ruled by a single political actor or institution?

Gaza drivers halt traffic in

protest of Israeli fuel cuts
Drivers stopped their cars for a half hour in the streets of
Gaza City at the request of the Popular Committee for
Countering the Siege in protest against the reduction of
fuel supplies to the Gaza Strip by the Israeli military.

Laying groundwork for Gaza war
Berlin first stop in Israeli effort to obtain
international backing ahead of Gaza operation.

Intifada redux

The intifada is back. Maybe not in full force, but the
sights we saw last weekend suddenly brought us back
20 years. Israel Defense Forces bulldozers blocked the
main entrance to the village of Azoun. Its roads were
strewn with stones; Molotov cocktails were thrown;
the IDF distributed threatening fliers; a curfew was
imposed; and dozens of young men gathered on streetcorners,
slingshots in hand, waiting for IDF jeeps - just as then.

State offers to halve settlers'
personal debts to NIS 350M
The state is offering to forgive NIS 350 million in
personal debts of 3,500 settlers in 140 communities in
the West Bank, Jordan Valley and Golan Heights, who
owe a combined NIS 700 million. The debts originate
in 30-year loans the state provided between 1978 and 2007.

"I feel as if I were living in South Africa"
"On behalf of the landowners, the Shahadeh family,
and the residents of the village of al-Mashhad, I want to
send a message to people everywhere -- the Jewish
National Fund, to the Nazareth Illit Municipality, to
the Members of Knesset and the government, and to
the residents of Israel. We don't want the [Land Day]
events of 1976 to repeat themselves, but I have to say
that not one meter of land will be taken from us unless
we die on our lands."

No Valentine break for

Gaza flower producers
After generations of occupation, Valentine's Day has
meant little in the Gaza Strip. But the flowers that
lovers presented in Europe has. Majed Hadaeid, 43,
knows that better than most, as he watches livestock
make a meal of the flowers he had hoped to export to
Europe. "I have 130 dunams [32 acres]," he says.
"All carnations, in 30 different colors, and varieties
yielding 16-17 million blossoms per year."

MIDEAST: No Lovers Got These Flowers
After generations of occupation, Valentine's Day has
meant little in the Gaza Strip. But the flowers that
lovers presented in Europe have. Majed Hadaeid,
43, knows that better than most, as he watches
livestock make a meal of the flowers he had hoped
to export to Europe. "I have 130 dunams (32 acres),"
he says. "All carnations, in 30 different colours, and
varieties yielding 16-17 million blossoms per year."

Unable to export their products, Gazan flower

farmers throw away crops on Valentine's Day
Flower farmers in the Gaza Strip see no reason to
celebrate this Valentine's Day. Normally a boon for
those in the flower business, this February the 14th,
Palestinians will not be able to export any flowers to
Israel's crippling siege of the Gaza Strip.

Gazans celebrate Valentine's Day as
Hamas looks the other way
The odds against celebrating Valentine's Day in
Hamas-ruled Gaza are almost impossible: The holiday
is considered haram, or forbidden by Islam, most Gazans
don't have money for frills and even the requisite
red roses must be imported.

Battle dress
About 15 students, most of them Jewish, were waiting
for the filmmaker Nizar Hassan when he got to the
restaurant outside Sderot. They hugged and kissed him.
Their relations seemed open and warm - a far cry from
the image of the aggressive and contemptuous lecturer
that has clung to Hassan for the past few months, since
he reportedly threw an army-reservist student out of his
class for showing up in a uniform.

Activists Call for Boycott of Diamond Giant

Leviev for Support of Israeli Settlements and
Links to Human Rights Abuses in Africa
Leviev, the world's largest cutter and polisher of
diamonds, has been linked to expanding Jewish-only
settlements in the Palestinian West Bank and a
sketchy human rights record in Angola, where it
controls the diamond supply. We speak to two
Palestinian and Jewish members of Adalah-New
York, a group that's held weekly protests
outside Leviev's Madison Ave. store.

Peace Now loses registrar's appro
The Registrar of Nonprofit Organizations has
decided to withdraw the certificate of proper administration
from the organization that provides funding for Peace Now,
a Justice Ministry official said Monday. According to the
official, the registrar, Yaron Keidar, recently conducted
an in-depth examination of the nonprofit organization,
known as Sha'al Educational Enterprises.

Talking to a Wall, Palestine
in the Mind of America
You would think that showing maps clearly delineating
the truncated, obviously non-viable area available for
a possible Palestinian state and showing pictures that
define Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories would
have some kind of impact on an audience of astute but,
on this issue, generally uninformed Americans. We
recently spoke to a small foreign affairs discussion group
and devoted much of our presentation to these images
of oppression -- images that never appear in the U.S. media
-- in the probably naïve hope of making some kind of
dent in the impassive American attitude toward Israel's
40-year occupation of Palestinian territory.

Anti-terror bureau: Overseas
abductions feared
Growing terror threat overseas: The Counter Terrorism
Bureau at the Prime Minister's Office issued a worldwide
travel advisory Thursday, warning Israeli against possible
abduction attempts abroad, following the assassination of
Hizbullah commander Imad Mugniyah.

Syria: We'll sue US for arming Israel

Syrians are preparing to sue the United States for
supplying weapons to Israel that later killed Syrians
during the Second Lebanon War, said Syria's foreign
minister, a day after Washington announced new
sanctions against Damascus. Speaking at a press
conference with his Iranian counterpart, Manouchehr
Mottaki, Walid Moallem promised that Syria would
punish the US for its decision to impose fresh
sanctions against Syrian officials.

Take Action: Oppose $2.55 Billion in
Military Aid to Israel in FY2009
Oppose $2.55 Billion in Military Aid to Israel in
FY2009President Bush wants to spend your tax dollars
wisely. Or so he claims. In his State of the Union address
on Jan. 28, Bush stated that "Just as we trust Americans
with their own money, we need to earn their trust by
spending their tax dollars wisely. Next week, I'll send
you a budget that terminates or substantially reduces
151 wasteful or bloated programs".


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