Saturday, February 2

Please Sign the International Petition!

Andrew Silvera

Sign the international petition!

9:57pm Feb 1st

Dear Comrades,

please find below a link to the online petition
against the planned elimination of the ration
system in Iraq, which the US/UK protected
Iraqi government want to end by June.

If this ends, then millions of people are going to
be left in absolute poverty and it will undoubtedly
mean that millions of people are going to be left
to literally starve to death.

As British and American troops are currently
occupying Iraq, this means that people in the
UK and US have both a legal and moral responsibility
to voice your objections to this!

If this is allowed to happen, Iraq will surely be
turned from a concentration camp, into a death camp!

Please also help by spreading the word!


Hussein Al-alak
The Iraq Solidarity Campaign


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