Friday, February 15

Palestinian Appeal to International Civil Society and more

Mazin Qumsiyeh

My talk at Brown University was well received.
Today I speak at Storrs, CT and Alsion Wier speaks at
Greenwich Public Library (despite Zionist
attempts to cancel).
Facts do not cease to exist because they
are ignored (by some people).

A quote from Winston Churchill about Palestine in
justifying the British "mandate" support for Zionism:

"I do not agree that the dog in a
manger has the final right to the manger
even though he may have lain there for a
very long time. I do not admit that right.
I do not admit for instance, that a great
wrong has been done to the Red Indians
of America or the black people of Australia.
I do not admit that a wrong has been done
to these people by the fact that a stronger
race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly
wise race to put it that way, has come in
and taken their place."

Video: Famous author Arundhati Roy on the
Palestinian / Israeli Conflict
("anther September 11: Sept 11, 1922...")

How the spooks took over the news
In his controversial new book, Nick Davies argues
that shadowy intelligence agencies are pumping
out black propaganda to manipulate public opinion
– and that the media simply swallow it wholesale

Plagiarism, Cover Up and Misrepresentations:
The Case Against Alan Dershowitz

Must Read Article: Apartheid Israel’s Gaza
Concentration Camp & Palestinian Genocide
by Dr Gideon Polya
"The fundamental message of the Holocaust is zero tolerance
for racism - and I am obliged as a decent human being
(and one whose family was decimated by the racist Nazis)
to oppose Racist Zionists....On our increasingly crowded
Spaceship Earth the message from the Gaza Concentration
Camp and the Occupied Palestinian Concentration Camp
in general is that 'We Are All Palestinian' – and we should
act accordingly by imposing national and international
Sanctions and Boycotts on Apartheid Israel and its
Western supporters."

Palestinian Appeal to International Civil Society
Sixty Years of Dispossession and Ethnic Cleansing
Boycott the "Israel at 60" Celebrations!

How can you celebrate? The establishment of the State
of Israel sixty years ago was a settler-colonial project
that systematically and violently uprooted more than
750 thousand Palestinian Arabs from their lands and
homes. Sixty years ago, Zionist militias and gangs
ransacked Palestinian properties and destroyed
hundreds of Palestinian villages. How can people of
conscience celebrate this catastrophe?

Israel at 60 is a state that continues to deny
Palestinian refugees their UN-sanctioned right to
return to their homes and receive compensation,
simply because they are "non-Jews." It still illegally
occupies Palestinian and other Arab lands, in violation
of numerous UN resolutions. It persists in its blatant
denial of fundamental Palestinian human rights, in
contravention of international humanitarian law and
human rights conventions. It still subjects its own
Palestinian citizens to a system of institutionalized
discrimination, strongly reminiscent of the defunct
apartheid regime in South Africa. And Israel gets
away with all this, thanks to the unprecedented
immunity granted to it by the unlimited and munificent
US and European economic, diplomatic, political, and
academic support.

In view of this multi-faceted oppression that is the reality
of Israel today, we regard any Arab or international
participation, whether individual or institutional, in any
activity that contributes, either directly or indirectly, to
the "celebrations" of Israel's establishment, as collusion
in the perpetuation of the dispossession and uprooting of
refugees, the prolongation of the occupation, and the
deepening of Israeli apartheid. Inviting Israel as a
"guest of honor" to the Turin and Paris book fairs, for
example, is not only a deliberate betrayal of basic
principles of human rights, including those enshrined
in the laws of the European Union itself, but is also a
deliberate attempt to cover up Israel's crimes against
the Arab people, especially its successive war crimes
in Lebanon and Palestine, and its acts of slow genocide
against a million and a half Palestinians in the besieged
and collectively punished Gaza Strip. In short,
celebrating "Israel at 60" is tantamount to dancing
on Palestinian graves.

We urge international civil society in all its components,
particularly institutions and individuals working in the
arts, academia, sport, trade unions, and communities
of faith to boycott the "Israel at 60" celebrations
wherever they are held in the world. These celebrations,
by definition, insult our history, violate our rights, and
deepen our oppression. They also render the path to
justice, freedom, equality, and sustainable peace based
on international law longer than ever before.

[ Please send institutional
endorsements to PACBI at: ]

Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD

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