Tuesday, March 11

Ban Moshe Feiglin from coming to Canada

Moshe Feiglin is banned from Britain
but is coming to Canada. Why?

He has been here before, with Canadian Security
Agencies' prior knowledge. This is completely unacceptable.
He will be speaking at an event of the Canadian Jewish Defence
League (JDL). The JDL has been declared as a terrorist
organization by the FBI in the US and has recently been
active at Ryerson University, OISE and elsewhere.
Rather than simply monitoring Feiglin's visit as last time,
I am asking you to ban his entry into Canada.
Please see articles below.
Susan Howard-Azzeh
Chair, Niagara Palestinian Asociation

Moshe Feiglin banned from
Britain but coming to Canada

Moshe Feiglin, leader of the far-right
"Jewish leadership" faction of the
right wing Likud Party, is coming to
Toronto at the end of March to speak at
a Jewish Defence League fundraiser.

This weekend, it has been reported that the
UK Home Secretary has barred
Feiglin from travelling to Britain because
"It is considered that you are
seeking to provoke others to serious criminal
acts and fostering hatred
which might lead to inter-community
violence in the UK."

Feiglin has long been a controversial figure
and his views are often
described as fascist.

In the New Yorker in 2004 he was quoted as saying:

"Why should non-Jews have a say in the policy
of a Jewish state?"
"For two thousand years, Jews dreamed of a Jewish
state, not a democratic
state. Democracy should serve the values of the
state, not destroy them."
In any case, you can't teach a monkey to speak and
you can't teach an Arab
to be democratic. You're dealing with a culture
of thieves and robbers.
Muhammad, their prophet, was a robber and
a killer and a liar. The Arab
destroys everything he touches."

From the Jewish Chronicle:

Likud's Feiglin banned from Britain
By Leon Symons

The deputy leader of Israel's Likud party,
Moshe Feiglin, has been excluded
from Britain by Home Secretary Jacqui Smith
using powers invoked after the
July 2005 London bombings - even though
he had no plans to visit.

In a two-page letter sent to Mr Feiglin's office in
Ginot Shomron, an
unnamed Border and Immigration Agency official,
writing on Ms Smith's
behalf, cited articles written by Mr Feiglin and
said she had "personally
directed" that he be banned.

The letter said: "It is considered that you are
seeking to provoke others to
serious criminal acts and fostering hatred
which might lead to
inter-community violence in the UK.

"In light of these factors, the Home Secretary is
satisfied you should be
excluded from the UK on the grounds that your
exclusion is conducive to the
public good." There is no right of appeal.

The Home Office would say nothing more about
why or how the decision was
made, other than to say that Ms Smith can
exclude people whether or not they
have applied to come to Britain. But it does take
into account relevant
information supplied by other government
departments and agencies.

Mr Feiglin said: "This is a British government problem,
not mine. However, if somebody in Britain feels comfortable
enough to do something like that,
it should turn on some serious red lights in any British citizen
who caresabout democracy. Britain and America are
letting in the real terrorists - remember [Iranian]
President Ahmadinejad
was allowed to speak at an American

In a swipe at the government's refusal to exclude
Ibrahim Mousawi, the editor of a Hizbollah journal
who has been in Britain on a speaking tour, Mr
Feiglin went on: "I almost feel honoured, because of the
way that the British government is behaving, to be
marked as the bad guy by a government
that supports terror. I see it almost as a compliment."

He has visited Britain once before, 15 years ago,
when he entered and left
without hindrance.

Mr Feiglin said the letter "came out of the blue".
He considered it might be
a clever forgery perpetrated by political opponents.
He was not surprised
when told by the JC that it was genuine.

"This is all very strange because I have no plans
to visit Britain either in the short or long term. I have
never been banned from anywhere else. In fact
I am giving a lecture in Canada at the end of this month," he said.


Dear Mr Feiglin: Home Secretary Jacqui Smith's letter

I am writing to advise you that following the London bombings
in July 2005,the Home Secretary announced a list of
particular activities that would normally lead to a person being
excluded or deported from the UK on the
grounds that their presence in the United Kingdom is not
conducive to the public good. The list of unacceptable
behaviours covers any non-UK national
whether in the UK or abroad who uses any means or
medium including:

-writing, producing, publishing or distributing material;

-public speaking including preaching;

-running a website;

-using a position of responsibility such as a teacher,
community or youth leader

To express views that:

-foment or justify terrorist violence in furtherance of
particular beliefs;

-seek to provoke others to terrorist acts;

-foment other serious criminal activity or seek
to provoke others to serious
criminal acts;

-foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK.

The Home Secretary has considered whether, in light
of this list, you should be excluded from the United Kingdom.
After careful consideration, she has personally directed that
you should be excluded from the United Kingdom on
the grounds that your presence here would not be
conducive to the public good. She has reached this
decision because you have used your position to
propagate views which foment and provoke others to
serious criminal acts and also foster hatred which might
lead to inter-community violence in the UK.
This has brought you within the scope of the list of unacceptable

The Home Secretary notes that you have
made the following statements:

"In order to declare that we are right, we have to declare
war. War now! It's not the Arabs who are murdering
mothers, but those merciful people who
gave weapons to the murderers. It's not the Arabs who
are burning babies, but the peaceniks that recognised
the justice of the Arabs cause. It's not the cruel people
who are bombing us, but the merciful people who showed them
mercy. War now! A holy war, now"

- "War Now" article by you, quoted on
Channel 7 Israel National website

"The Christian world is faced with two options:
it can fight against terror,
which means fighting against Islam, or it can surrender
and be gradually overcome by the waves of the modern
Moslem Jihad. Arabs are not sons of the
desert but its father. They created the desert -
everywhere they come vegetation stops and the
wind blows everything away"

- Extract from an article by you quoted on the
"Israel Science and
Technology Homepage"

"The basis of Islam is not the quality of mercy but
of justice. IfChristianity bridges the gap between sin and
morals by automatic benevolence
and absolution (that over long periods were sold by
clergy), Islam does this in a far simpler way -
it abolishes both benevolence and morals. Their holy
Muhammed is strong, cruel and deceitful."

In expressing such views, it is considered that you
are seeking to provoke others to serious criminal acts
and fostering hatred which might lead to
inter-community violence in the UK.

The Home Secretary considers that should you be allowed
to enter the UK, you
would continue to espouse such views,
which would not be conducive to the
public good in the UK.

In light of these factors, the Home Secretary is
satisfied you should be excluded from the UK on the
grounds that your exclusion is conducive to the
public good. You are advised not to travel to the UK
as you will be refused admission on arrival.
Although there is no statutory right of appeal against
the Home Secretary's decision, this decision is
reviewed every three years.

Yours sincerely,

On behalf of the Secretary of the
State for the Home Department


*Feiglin banned from entering Britain*
Jonny Paul, Jerusalem Post Correspondent, London , T
9, 2008

The UK's Home Office has banned Likud central committee
member Moshe Feiglin
from entering Britain.

A letter sent to Feiglin from the office of Home
Secretary Jacqui Smith, and
published in this week's *Jewish Chronicle*, says
the minister has excluded
him from the country, even though he had no plans to visit.

"I am writing to advise you that following the London
bombings in July 2005, the home secretary announced
a list of particular activities that would
normally lead to a person being excluded or deported
from the UK on the grounds that their presence in the
country is not conducive to the public
good," the letter reads.

The unacceptable activities listed in the two-page
letter include "writing, producing, publishing or
distributing material; public speaking including
preaching; running a Web site and using a position
of responsibility" to "foment or justify terrorist violence
in furtherance of particular beliefs; seek to provoke others
to terrorist acts; foment other serious criminal
activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal
acts and fosterhatred which might lead to inter-community
violence in the UK."

The home secretary concluded that Feiglin should be
"excluded" from the UK on the grounds that his presence
"would not be conducive to the public good."

According to the *Jewish Chronicle*, the Home Office
would not elaborate on why or how the decision was made.
The letter did, however, cite a number of
extracts from Feiglin's articles.

In an extract from an article posted on the Arutz Sheva
Web site, Feiglin is
quoted as saying: "In order to declare that we are right,
we have to declare war. It's not the Arabs who are murdering
mothers, but those merciful people who gave weapons to
the murderers. It's not the Arabs who are burning
babies, but the peaceniks who recognized the justice
of the Arabs' cause. It's not the cruel people who are
bombing us, but the merciful people who
showed them mercy. War now! A holy war now."

In another extract, on the Israel Science and
Technology homepage, Feiglin is quoted as saying:
"The basis of Islam is not the quality of mercy, but of
justice. If Christianity bridges the gap between sin and
morals by automatic benevolence and absolution
(that over long periods were sold by clergy),
Islam does this in a far simpler way. It abolishes both
benevolence and morals - their holy Muhammad is
strong, cruel and deceitful."

These comments brought the leader of the Likud's
dissident Jewish Leadership faction "within the scope
of the list of unacceptable behaviors," the letter

"It is considered that you are seeking to provoke
others to serious criminal acts and fostering hatred
which might lead to inter-community violence in
the UK," the letter added.

There is no right to appeal the ban,
but such decisions are reviewed every
three years.

Feiglin told the *Jewish Chronicle*: "This is all very strange,
because I have no plans to visit Britain either in the short or
the long term. I have never been banned from anywhere else,
in fact I am giving a lecture in
Canada at the end of this month."

Earlier this month, British authorities granted
permission to Ibrahim Mousawi, chief foreign new
editor for Hizbullah's Al-Manar television
station in Lebanon, to enter the UK to participate
in a number of political events.

Accused of anti-Semitism and incitement,
and recently banned from entering
Ireland, his television station aired a 29-part
"documentary" in 2004 in
which it depicted stereotypical Jews hatching
a plot for Jewish world
control and domination.

Following the 9/11 attacks, Al-Manar alleged that
4,000 Jewish employees did
not turn up to work at the World Trade Center
that day and that the attack
was masterminded by Israel.

Ralph Nader's dad to Ralph when he was 10 years old: "So what did you learn in school today? To believe or to think?"


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  1. Anonymous10:32 pm

    Hmmm. You might not like Feiglin, but here's some tough questions:

    When was the last Palestinian King?

    When was the first one?

    When was the last Palestinian peace rally?

    Did the PLO change it's charter which calls for Israel's destruction? If yes, where on the web is it? Saeb Erekat didn't know what the new version said, and he didn't know where it was.

    Zuhair Muhsein - Arafat's deputy - in 1977 publicly stated that "there is no such thing as a Palestinian people".

    If he says so, why don't you believe him?

    Can you name in which middle eastern country to Arabs have the most rights? Of course, it's Israel.


  2. Anonymous11:13 am

    How ironic that Moshe Feiglin of the Likud Party would have the audacity to raise the question as to "Why should non-Jews have a saying in the policy of a Jewish state?" He does not seem to know and/or realize that it was the non-Jewish England that caused the modern state of Israel to be established in the first place (The Balfour Declaration, 1917), and it is the non-Jewish United States of America which is helping to keep Israel militarily strong and economically prosperous. Every single Jewish settlement in the occupied Palestinian territories, let alone in Israel itself, is being assisted, whether directly or indirectly, by the non-Jewish Americans, among others.

    As for Feiglin's idiotic and racist assertion that: "The Arab destroys everything he touches," and that the Arab culture is "a culture of thieves and robbers." Suffice it to say that history shows that it has been his Zionist cohorts, not the Arabs, who have been the actual thieves and robbers, as well as the real destroyers of everything they touched when they invaded Palestine, and that if it was not for the Arabs and Muslims, whether in Arab-Muslim Spain, Arab-Muslim North Africa, Muslim Turkey, and the Arab countries of the east (including Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt), the very survival of the Jews would have been questionable . In this respect, Moshe Feiglin, like so many blind racists whether in Israel or North America, is so mindless that he has the temerity and/or reckless "boldness" to ignore history and engage, instead, in the disgraceful art of fabricating history. Sadly, there is nothing new here, for the entire modern history of the state of Israel is no more than a fabricated lie.

    Ibrahim Hayani
