Monday, January 7

Why is it OK for Zionists to advocate violence towards Palestine, Iran, Syria, and other nations?

When there is a movement of resistance and people defend themselves against the scumbags of Zionist Israel and their funders which currently includes The United States Government, why is everyone considered to be a "terrorist or belong to a terrorist organization." .

Why are people not only in Gaza being reprimanded as a violent people but around the world - but government officials and others are frequently encouraging the hatred and/or bombing of Iran, Syria, and other nations. If they can propose wars don't people have a right to defend themselves?

Norman Podhoretz wants to bomb Iran, and he claims that President Bush is going to do it:

Joe Liberman suggests we may have to bomb Iran:

Benjamin Netanyahu spoke in America in 2006 to convince people that Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is another Hitler:

A news article from August 2007: France's Sarkozy suggests bombing Iran:,7340,L-3442638,00.html

A news article from the UK, April 2006: We may have to bomb Iran

A news article from November 2006: Bush under "enormous pressure" from Israel to Bomb Iran:

Zionists have been advocating the bombing and killing of Arabs not only across the Middle East but for Iranians for years.

The Zionist crime and murderous network is also responsible for the 9/11 attack, the attack on the USS Liberty, the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946, and lots of other slaughters and killings. Don't be intimidated by these violent thugs! We are suckers if we don't protect ourselves.

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