Monday, January 7

Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines January 7, 2008 ~

Brought to you by Shadi Fadda

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Israel 'escalates' miltary actions
Israel's prime minister has vowed to step up attacks on Palestinians firing rockets from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. Ehud Olmert's comments at a meeting of his cabinet on Sunday came as at least four Palestinians, including two civilians, were killed in an Israeli raid.

Israeli troops kill Palestinian in Jenin-medics
Israeli troops shot dead a Palestinian man on Monday during a raid into the West Bank town of Jenin, Palestinian medics said. An Israeli army spokeswoman said she was checking the report.

Eight Gazans killed, 17 injured in ongoing Israeli attacks
Israeli occupation forces (IOF) escalated their offensive against the Gaza Strip, killing eight Palestinians and injuring 17 others in various attacks throughout the Strip. The IOF carried out air strikes in different areas. It carried out an artillery attack on a house belonging to the Fayad family in Khan Younis, killing three brothers, their mother, and a fifth family member. Two civilian cars in northern and middle Gaza Strip were also bombarded, but no injuries were reported.

Report: IDF kills 2 civilians in Gaza

Palestinian sources say two family members killed, six injured by IDF shell fired at home in al-Bureij refugee camp; four soldiers wounded during operation.

Woman, fourteen-year-old among six killed in 24 hours in Israeli assault on Gaza Strip
Gaza – Ma'an – Three people including a woman and a fourteen-year-old boy were killed and eight others were injured when an Israeli artillery shell hit a house in Al-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.

Israeli Army Invade Azzoun Again, Shoot Boy Lying Defenseless on the Floor
On Friday, January 4, 2007, at least ten Israeli army jeeps and armoured personnel carriers (APCs) entered the village of Azzoun near Qalqilya. The Occupying forces remained in the village throughout the day, shooting sound bombs.

Palestinian Father Suffers Humiliating Death After Being Tied to a 'Galloping Mule'

The man, Mahmoud Shawawreh, 45, who had six children, left his home on his mule for the neighbouring village of Um Touba on the day of the incident.

Closure forces two women to give birth in cars

The village of 'Azzun 'Atmah is cut off from the rest of the West Bank by the separation barrier. State officials say the village was made into an enclave primarily to place the Sha'are Tikva settlement on the "Israeli" side of the barrier. The only way the residents can get to the rest of the West Bank is through a gate in the barrier that is open only part of the day. When it is closed, soldiers remain in the guard tower by the gate. When residents need to leave the village for any purpose, including medical treatment, they have to call to the soldiers and beg them to open the gate.

Palestinians Angry over Gaza Kidnappingsfrom Palestine Chronicle - Headlines
Critics have pointed fingers at the PA for not doing enough to maintain order and prevent the attacks, and human rights groups have flatly condemned them.

Report: IDF develops bulldozer for combat inside Palestinian cities
The Israel Defense Forces have developed a bulldozer for combat operations inside Palestinian cities, a military publication reported.

Gaza Outages Expand After Fuel Cutbacks, As Winter Sets In, Electricity Goes Off For Civilians

GAZA CITY — Palestinians in Gaza will be forced to live without electricity eight hours a day, beginning Sunday, because Israel has sharply reduced fuel supplies to the territory's only electric plant, the head of Gaza's energy authority said.0106 04Israel said the fuel cutback was meant to send a "stern message" to Gaza militants to stop rocket attacks on southern Israel. The power outages come just days ahead of President Bush's visit to the region to promote nascent talks between Israel and the moderate Palestinian government in the West Bank.

Gaza Strip blacked out eight hours a day as new round of sanctions begins

Beginning on Sunday the 1.5 million residents of the Gaza Strip will be lighting the cold winter nights with candles due to Israel's punitive cuts in vital fuel supplies.

Three years after Sasson, over 100 outposts remain

There are more than 100 unauthorized settlement outposts in the West Bank, but less than half are due to be evacuated under former prime minister Ariel Sharon's promise to U.S. President George W. Bush.

Citing security, state refuses to release data on settlements

The government is refusing to publish a databse containing full details about the settlement enterprise in the territories, including outposts and neighborhoods built across the Green Line. In response to a High Court of Justice petition on the matter, the Defense Ministry is arguing that publication would harm state security and Israel's foreign relations.

Peace Now to protest at largest West Bank outpost before Bush's visit
The left-wing group, Peace Now, intends to hold a protest at a West Bank outpost on the eve of President Bush's visit to the region.

Israel denies intifada leader could be released for soldier
JERUSALEM (AFP) - Israeli officials Sunday denied that jailed Palestinian intifada leader Marwan Barghuti could be released in exchange for a missing soldier, after a deputy defence minister suggested the option.

Hamas: Bush visit to Mideast is about Iran, not Israeli-Palestinian peace
U.S. President George W. Bush's upcoming visit to the Middle East is not about pushing the Israeli-Palestinian peace process forward but will instead focus on Iran, a senior Hamas official said Sunday.

Hardline Israeli settlers plan chilly reception for Bush

Residents of one of the oldest and most radical Jewish settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank are dreading the upcoming Middle East visit by US President George W. Bush.

More than 10,000 police will guard Bush during Israel visit

Israeli officials in Jerusalem are to deploy more than 10,000 police officers in a vast security operation ahead of the arrival this week of George Bush, the first US president to visit in a decade. Graffiti are being cleaned off walls, road markings are being repainted and hundreds of American flags are being put up across the city. The floodlights which illuminate the stone ramparts of the Old City will stay on for an extra two hours every night, until 2am, to give the president the chance to catch the view.

Hamas: Bush visit just a photo-op
Palestinian Islamist group Hamas on Saturday dismissed U.S. President George W. Bush's upcoming visit to the Middle East as a "photo opportunity" and said he was not welcome in the region. Hamas, which seized control of the Gaza Strip in June and opposes Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's bid to make peace with Israel, said Bush's visit was aimed at shoring up support for the Jewish state and its occupation of Palestinian land. "Bush's visit is unwelcome because it aims to serve the occupation and provide it with political and psychological support," Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri said in a statement.

Israel holds up Palestinian negotiator at West Bank crossing, provoking charges of foul play

JERUSALEM: Israeli authorities held up the chief Palestinian negotiator for an hour at a West Bank crossing on Monday, a delay he claimed was politically charged. Negotiator Ahmed Qureia, also known as Abu Ala, said Israel tried to subject him to unspecified security procedures he resisted, a statement from his office said.

Israeli MP rejects Palestinian statehood

On the eve of US President George W. Bush's visit to Israel, a hardline member of Israel's parliament is trying to drum up support for a new peace initiative — granting Jordanian passports to all Palestinians, dismantling the Palestinian Authority and abandoning any notions of an independent Palestinian state. The plan, drafted by lawmaker Benny Elon of the National Union Party and touted on billboards, Internet ads and YouTube, directly clashes with Bush's agenda for his coming visit — promoting a peace agreement that would see the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel. The Palestinians, Israel and Jordan all reject Elon's concept.

Just going to work, Palestinians and Israelis travel different roads

NABLUS, West Bank — Before they set out for work each morning, neighbors Naim Darwish, a Palestinian Muslim, and Jacob Steinmetz, an Israeli Jew, begin their days in quiet meditation.

Christian Zionists gain Israel's inner sanctum

After raising more than two hundred million dollars for various projects in Israel, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ), the organization he founded and is president of, has hit pay-dirt. In late December, the Jewish Agency for Israel, which helped found the state of Israel, announced that the IFCJ "will be declared a funding partner of the Jewish Agency ... [and] Eckstein will ... receive new voting powers that will include spots on the committees that oversee the agency's budget and that meet with the prime minister and his Cabinet," the Jewish daily Forward reported.

Civilians in Gaza Appeal to Pope Benedict XVI for Support

(05 Jan 08-RV) Tens of thousands of Palestinians were confined to their homes and carefully rationing dwindling food supplies in the West Bank town of Nablus today as an Israeli sweep for wanted militants entered its fourth day. Palestinian officials said more than 40 people have been wounded in the operation. Meanwhile, the only Catholic priest in Gaza, Father Musallam, earlier this week sent a letter to Pope Benedict XVI asking for support and prayers for th eChristian and Muslim Civilians who are caught up the middle of the unrest…

Bethlehem Walled Off By Israel This Christmas
Bethlehem is marking its first Christmas since being walled off from adjacent Jerusalem by an internationally condemned Israeli barrier.

'Santa empty-handed' for Christmas in Gaza
As Gaza's Greek Orthodox community prepares to celebrate its Christmas Day today, it's clear there has rarely been a bleaker festive season for the Strip's little Christian community than this year. Even under occupation, it used to celebrate Christmas openly, though without the pomp and commercialism of the West. In the centre of Gaza City, a giant Christmas tree used to stand adorned with ornaments, and Santa Claus passed out gifts to people in streets. Today, the municipality is unable to afford a tree.

Israel warns of Iranian missile peril for Europe
Iran is developing nuclear missiles capable of reaching beyond its enemies in the Middle East to Europe, President George Bush will be warned when he visits Israel and the Palestinian territories for the first time since entering the White House.

Israel to brief George Bush on options for Iran strike
ISRAELI security officials are to brief President George W Bush on their latest intelligence about Iran's nuclear programme - and how it could be destroyed - when he begins a tour of the Middle East in Jerusalem this week.

Dimona Reactor… a Mystery Threatening Middle East
"The Israeli nuclear reactor of Dimona is vulnerable to meltdown, like the Russian reactor of Chernobyl two decades ago, which caused a humanitarian and ecological catastrophe.

GOP candidate Ron Paul: Israel can get by without U.S. aid

The Ron Paul Revolution: A Long Shot or Hope for Palestine?

Fox News' refusal to include Ron Paul in the January 6th New Hampshire 'debate,' as well as excluding him from coverage is prime example of his struggle against media control of mass communication.

"Injustice every day": An interview with Leila Khaled
One of the most legendary figures of the Palestinian struggle for national liberation, Leila Khaled was recently in the Palestinian refugee camps of northern Lebanon. Visiting for the first time since last summer's battle between the non-Palestinian Islamist group Fatah al-Islam and the Lebanese army, during which the Nahr al-Bared camp was destroyed, Khaled sat down with EI editor Matthew Cassel to discuss Annapolis, Nahr al-Bared, and how the Palestinian movement must move forward.

Amira Hass: On The Three Lies Of Hamas
There are some who comfort themselves by saying that the Hamas victories are only in the local elections, on the level of municipal services.

Khalid Amayreh: Going Plural
Ahead of elections slated one month from now, Fatah is fragmenting, with its candidate list divided and confused.

USS Liberty: God Kept Us Afloat
Every survivor of the brutal attack upon the LIBERTY that this reporter has so far spoken with have also expressed either feelings of guilt for surviving or symptoms of post traumatic stress syndrome.

Palestinian Cinema -- An Example for the Region?

In trying to reconcile their imagination and their desires with the world around them, artists often find themselves trapped between the devil and the deep blue sea. Yet a work of art can momentarily lift us out of that trap, briefly allowing us to understand our past and present and also glimpse what could potentially happen in the future.

Deepak Chopra to former IAF chief: Military strength is 'false god'


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