Monday, January 7

War with No End, US Campaign Book Club Selection

The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation is pleased to announce the start of a monthly book club. Each month, we'll select a new book which we think you might be interested in reading.

The inaugural book for our new Book Club is "War with No End," an important new anthology of essays published by Verso Books in conjunction with United for Peace and Justice and the Stop the War Coalition (UK).

The book features contributions from two US Campaign Steering Committee members, Judith LeBlanc (Introduction) and Phyllis Bennis ("The Global War on Terror: What It Is, What It's Done to the World").

Other important essays include:

Click here to purchase "War with No End," the US Campaign's January Book Club Selection

* "Come September," by Arundhati Roy

* "Human Shield," by John Berger

* "Songs of Resistance," by Haifa Zangana

* "Weddings and Beheadings," by Hanif Kureishi

* "Down! Up!," by Joe Sacco

* "Mezzaterra," by Ahdaf Soueif

* "Homeland Wars," by Tram Nguyen

* "Not in Our Names," by Sept. 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows

* "Building a Booming Economy Based on War with No End: The Lessons of Israel," by Naomi Klein

You can purchase this book for $15 (plus $2 shipping and handling) by clicking here.

From the book's back cover:

"On October 7th 2001, US-led forces invaded Afghanistan, marking the start of George Bush and Tony Blair's "War on Terror." Six years on, where have the policies of Bush and Blair left us? Bringing together some of the finest contemporary writers, this wide-ranging anthology, from reportage and "faction" to fiction, explores the impact of this "long war" throughout the world, from Palestine to Iraq, Abu Ghraib, the curtailment of civil liberties and manipulation of public opinion. Published in conjunction with Stop the War coalition and United for Peace and Justice, it provides an urgent, necessary reflection on the causes and consequences of the ideological War on Terror."

Purchase this book and browse the US Campaign's other merchandise by clicking here.

Thank you for your support and happy reading!


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