Monday, January 7

Israeli Apartheid Week in New York needs your financial support

Dear Friends,

In February of 2007 a broad coalition of New York community groups hosted a landmark week of educational and cultural events to draw attention to Israel's apartheid regime, and to highlight the growing movement in Palestine and around the world calling for boycott, sanctions, and divestment from Israel. This was New York's first participation in the International Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) programs, which took place in eight cities worldwide. In 2008, an expanded coalition will build on last year's success to again host a week of events from February 3-10.

(For more on IAW 2008 in New York see:

This year's activities are of special significance, because 2008 marks the 60 th year since the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe), when over 800, 000 Palestinians were displaced from their lands to become what remains one of the world's largest refugee populations . In addition, worldwide momentum continues to build to hold Israel accountable through boycott, divestment, and sanctions.

This year, New York's IAW Coalition is planning a powerful series of events for Israeli Apartheid Week. Your tax-deductible donation today can make this work possible. Your donation will fund programs featuring prominent activists and scholars from the U.S., South Africa, Palestine and Israel who will reflect on 60 years of struggle, and engage the New York community in developing strategies, mobilizing towards ending Israel's apartheid regime, and building a just and equitable future.

We need your financial support today in order to make Israeli Apartheid Week's second year in the New York City area even more successful and effective than last year. IAW will require a budget of $7500 to bring distinguished speakers, and to cover educational materials, and organizing expenses.

Once again, WESPAC Foundation: A Peace and Justice Action Center in Westchester ( has generously agreed to serve as fiscal sponsor for IAW in New York.

Please make your checks payable to:

WESPAC Foundation

PO Box 488

White Plains, NY 10602

Please note "Israeli Apartheid Week" in the memo line of your check.
To donate to WESPAC for IAW via Paypal:

With your support Israeli Apartheid Week in New York will again be a great success.


The Organizers of Israeli Apartheid Week

The organizers of Israeli Apartheid Week in New York City are a coalition of student and community groups who have come together to promote critical, strategic discussion on this issue, while also strengthening the ties between various student and community groups. The organizers include: NYU Students for Justice in Palestine; Falasteen and the Arab Students Association at Columbia University; Action Wednesdays Against the War; Adalah-NY: The Coalition for Justice in the Middle East; Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition - NY; New Jersey Solidarity - Activists for the Liberation of Palestine; the Palestine Education Project, WESPAC Foundation, and Arab Students United NYU.

IAW is a coordinated international initiative with other cities in North America and Europe ( IAW began in Toronto, Canada in 2004 and has grown annually to include more cities and campuses. One of our achievements last year involved networking with other cities in the U.S., so that IAW 2008 will include several more U.S. cities.


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