Thursday, January 3

Press Release: Continuing Israeli Massacre in Gaza

Press Release
The latest round of Israeli massacres committed against the people of Gaza has resulted in the brutal killings of the Fayyad family in the town of Bani Suhaila, south of Khan Younus as they slept in their own house, and the injury of more than 30 civilians. Karima Fayyad, her sons, Ahmad and Sami, and her daughter Asma were killed when Israeli artillery fired missiles at the family's home This brings today's toll alone to 8 Palestinian martyrs, in addition to the 7 civilians killed yesterday. Since the end of the Annapolis International meeting, the Israeli Occupation Forces have killed more than 110 Palestinians, most of whom are civilians and children.
The slow motion genocide itself has killed 59 patients over the last two months. The One Democratic State Group condemns in the strongest possible terms these heinous crimes and reiterates its call upon all civil society organizations and freedom loving people to act immediately in any possible way to put pressure on their governments to end diplomatic ties with Apartheid Israel and institute sanctions against it for its 40 years of military occupation of Palestine.
Gaza has been enduring Israeli policies of extermination and vandalism since June.2006. We equally condemn the international conspiracy of silence and Arab impotence in the face of these continuous Israeli crimes. Not a single action against Israel has been taken by any Arab country. The failure of the United Nations and its numerous organizations to condemn such crimes indicates complicity.
We ask, how many more dead corpses of Palestinian children and women does the international community need to see in order to act? What more do Arab peoples need to see to translate their words of support into action? How many more refugees should be stranded in the Sinai desert, on the Jordanian-Iraqi borders, and the Syrian-Iraqi frontiers to convince the UN and its Security Council that Palestinians are also human beings?
One Democratic State Group
For comment call

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