Friday, January 25

Iranians blast Zionist Crimes, ethnic cleansing, slaughter of women and children

Protestors Shout Anger at

US Complicity in Israeli Crimes

TEHRAN (FNA)- Tens of thousands of Tehrani worshipers
here Friday rallied in protest against the Zionists regime's latest
crimes in Gaza and condemned US complicity in Zionists' crime.

Wrathful protestors also reiterated the necessity for continued
Islamic resistance against Zionists' crimes while rallying from
Tehran University campus, venue of Friday prayers,
towards Palestine Square and chanting slogans against
Zionists regime's barbaric acts, brutalities and ethnic cleansing.

"Down with the US", "Down with Israel", "Reconciliation with Israel
is scandalous and humiliation", "Battle with Israel is the message
of this nation", "The primary Kiblah (of Muslims) should be freed
through unity with Palestinian nation" and "Silence of any Muslim
is a betrayal to the Koran" were among the different slogans
shouted by the demonstrators who were also carrying pictures
depicting the massacre of Palestinian women, kids and men in
Gaza as well as placards reading, "Israel commits crimes and
US supports it" and "Stop Slaughtering of the kids and
women in Gaza".

A six-article resolution was also issued at the end of the rally,
which called on the international community, including the
United Nations, to end silence and do something
against Israeli atrocities.

Demonstrators also confirmed the statements made
by the Lebanese Hezbollah leader, Seyed Hassan Nasrallah in
Beirut last Saturday, and warned leaders of Arab countries
against any support for George Bush and US measures,
reiterating that the US is an accomplice of the Zionist regime.

Protestors condemned the latest Israeli crimes after so called peace
conference of Annapolis and the Middle-East tour of the US
president, and demanded Islamic countries and the
Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) to hold an
emergency meeting to foil Israel's continued atrocities
against Palestinians.


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