Tuesday, January 29

Gandhi Chased Out By Jews In Denial

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Arun Gandhi: "Nearly everything about us is being influenced by
this culture of violence. And that is slowly but surely destroying us."
(Credit: Jeff Marini.


The Washington Post has this 'On Religion'
column that is supposed to talk about religious
matters. Most often, this means some sort of story
about how wonderful Judaism is and how nice it is
for other religions to get along with each other and
not fight over ownership of olive trees and mud huts.
But when Gandhi's grandson dared to request Jews
to please stop using the Holocaust as an excuse to
steal and kill in the Holy Land, he was attacked and
driven out of the 'Peace Institute' he led just as
Jimmy Carter has been 'vanished' by the media
for doing the same thing. War grows nearer as
the battle heats up in Gaza.

Arun Gandhi Quits Peace Institute in
Flap Over Blog Posting By
Michelle Boorstein -The grandson of Indian
spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi resigned
yesterday as president of the board of a conflict
resolution institute after writing an online essay
on a Washington Post blog calling Jews and Israel
"the biggest players" in a global culture of violence.

In his resignation letter to the board of the
M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence,
founder Arun Gandhi wrote that his Jan.
7 essay "was couched in language that was
hurtful and contrary to the principles of
nonviolence. My intention was to generate a
healthy discussion on the proliferation of
violence. Clearly I did not achieve my goal.
Instead, unintentionally, my words have
resulted in pain, anger, confusion and

Israeli Zionists are global war mongers.
The ones that infest the highest levels of our
State Department, the Pentagon, the White
House, the Foreign Service, the media, the
universities and in Congress and the courts have all
united in this program of pogroms aimed at driving
out or eliminating all the non-Jews in the 'Holy Land'.
This ethnic cleansing effort began long before Hitler
made his first speech, it goes back to WWI.

Britain needed money. Badly. Jewish bankers wanted
to fund Zionist population relocation plans that were
cooked up when the Czar of Russia, worried about
worker unrest, unleashed a pogrom against the
innocent Jews living throughout the 'Pale' which
was the limited lands where they were allowed to
live in poor ghettos. These ghettos became the
reverse model with the colonization of Palestine.
The Ottoman Empire was approached by Jewish
bankers seeking a place for the displaced people of
Russia who were told, 'One third must be removed
or killed.' Many Russian Jews came to NYC and
settled in America. A number went to
France and Germany.

The Ottoman Government was happy to take bribes
to resettle Jews into their province. But in WWI,
Turkey sided with Germany against Russia and
thus, was instantly against England. So when
Jewish bankers watched Lawrence of Arabia and
the others starting an insurrection against the
Turks, they moved in to secure their place yet
again. This worked, via the Barfour Declarations.
Armed with this, they immediately began to buy
out as much of the Holy Lands as possible. The
Muslim leaders at the Damacus Meeting were
furious to learn that Britain had unilaterally handed
over the religious site to the Jews without
consulting them.

This anger nearly sank the British Empire in
WWII. But the US won and fear of Russia again
caused the former Ottoman Empire entities to side
with the US and England. In return, they were
betrayed yet again and the establishment of Israel
was pushed through over their objections. Since
then, we have been on course to the Apocalypse.
My one desire, if there is one, is to avoid this event.
All my life, it has been the one wish.

Alas, every day goes by and we walk the war path.
The flap at the Washington Post when a neutral man,
upset over the sight of the ghetto of Gaza being starved
to death, he wanted to give some warnings that
people are more and more irritated by the Jewish
demand we worry more about the Holocaust and
using this as justification for creating a new Holocaust.
He was saying, Jews are losing friends and allies and
endangering themselves because of Zionism's plans
to destroy all other people in the Holy Land.

I have spoken about how the Jewish Zionists want to
be holding all public positions while being totally
invisible is a golem of tremendous danger. It is the
corruption of the Ring of Power as Tolkien so carefully
explained in his stories. When Gollum used his new
ring to sneak around his family and do things, his
grandmother kicked him out. The flap at the
Washington Post when poor Mr. Gandhi who has
no urge to support the Apocalypse was huge. And in
the end, he was forced by the Jewish media and the
Jews running the University of Rochester to not only
apologize to them but crawl on his belly and take
back the truthful words he wrote.

This disgusting action worked. The poor man didn't
have my stomach and was unable to see how brutally
he was being abused. He didn't stand up to the many
screamers and the hostile, greedy men and women
who want every olive tree, every mud hut owned
or used by the innocent Palestinians. Just as the
Jews were not allowed to own farms, so the Jews
want no Palestinians to own farms. And just as the
Jews were not allowed to challenge Christians in
Russia in 1880, so it is in the Holy Land and the
US itself. After poor Gandhi who isn't a fighter but
wants 'peace' was thoroughly trashed and debased
himself utterly and showed no integrity or strength
of will, the Jews still forced him to leave.

They will now never let him talk about Jews again. He will
be like me: on the outside. But there is this pesky
internet which has given us all a voice even if we
can never appear in mainstream media in America.
We are international and we all can yell about this as
much as we please and bit by bit, this is making a
difference. The story of the Palestinians are getting out
despite media censorship and lies. The truth about
who owns what is coming out, too. The truth about
war lies spread by Zionists is being heard. The US is
about to have the most hideous election in years,
worse than the Bush/Kerry Skull and Bones versus
Skull and Bones election. This one is AIPAC versus
AIPAC and bomb, bomb, bomb Iran McCain vying
with Israel first Clinton.

Gandhi's comments were part of a discussion
about the future of Jewish identity on the
religion blog On Faith at washingtonpost.com.
He wrote that Jewish identity is "locked into
the holocaust experience," which Jews "
overplay . . . to the point that it begins to
repulse friends." The Jewish nation --
Israel, he wrote -- is too reliant upon weapons
and bombs and should instead befriend its enemies.

"Apparently, in the modern world, so determined
to live by the bomb, this is an alien concept.
You don't befriend anyone, you dominate them.
We have created a culture of violence
(Israel and the Jews are the biggest
players) and that Culture of Violence is
eventually going to destroy humanity,"
he wrote.

It is also interesting to me that he capitalizes the
name 'Culture of Violence'. Years ago, I chose
my 'Culture of Life News' name because I was
irritated by right wing Apocalyptic Christians
talking about the culture of life when they were
plotting to destroy all humanity in one last horrible
spasm of religious annihilation. Israel is
desperately pushing us all into WWIII and they
now are openly threatening to nuke Iran. They
work day and night to drive us into war. They
cover up crimes, assist terrorists....why was a top
Mossad agent sitting next to Atta on 9/11, anyway?
They play many dark ops games that hurt our
nation and which are designed to make us insecure
and cause us to wish for more wars. The media here
has been very pro-war and has happily spread lies
and deceptions designed to drive us mad.

Today's NYT endorses war mongers. They even lie
about the past deeds of these war mongers while
endorsing them. To keep the false mantle of legitimacy,
they imagine none of us have google and can see what
the Times has written in the past, we remember their
war mongering in 2003. I was part of the biggest
antiwar demonstrations in my life back then. The NYT
at first refused to report on these epic demonstrations
that were pre-war, not after many years of war. We had
to hammer them to get any news of these demonstrations

One smaller demonstration where Muslims prayed
for peace in front of the NYT and filled the streets
surrounding the Times building in Manhattan: I got
news of that via Xinhua news of China! The Times
never reported the story even though it stopped traffic
in midtown for over an hour and could not be missed.

On Jan. 11, university President Joel Seligman
labeled Gandhi's initial comments stereotyping
and said they were "fundamentally inconsistent
with the core values" of the school. Yesterday, he
called the resignation "appropriate."

The article won't tell readers this guy is a Jewish man.
Typical of how Jewish media cloaks themselves while
at the same time, exposing everyone else. This is
beyond dangerous: it is fatal. The Jews want us to
believe that talking about Jews owning the media is
'anti-semitism' but pretending the Jewish community
doesn't control a lot of the media will spread the already
growing distrust further and further. Ron Paul's comments
on how the media conspires to eliminate his voice gets
the biggest cheers at rallies.

The loss of credibility the media is suffering is growing as
it pushes harder and harder, the Zionist agenda. And
if the economy collapses, rage over who to blame
will light upon the Jewish community like a firestorm!
This always happens. Why they think they can avoid
this via not talking about important things that are
bankrupting the US?

Zionism is very bad for the US. It is a cancer eating our
economic, political and diplomatic prospects. It is
endangering the US as a nation. As well as possibly,
the world. This election should be all about Zionism and
what it is doing. The Christians wanting the Apocalypse
should be part of this. Instead of ignoring them after getting
rid of Huckabee, we should be very aware of them. They
are the future core of the potential Nazis who will repeat
what Hitler did in the past! The Zionsist/End of Times
Christian alliance is a hellish beast that is stalking the world! And
the Zionists think they control the Beast that is slouching out
of Bethlehem. Instead, it will devour them.

They should thank Gandhi for trying to warn them
and trying to stop this. They should pray that Jimmy
Carter stops them from doing their worse which we see
today as Gaza triumphantly defies Jewish attempts at
destroying Hamas.


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