Sunday, January 20


Andrew SilverA

To a Palestinian Child...
Layla Anwar, An Arab Woman Blues
... Today, children were playing in the street
s of Gaza, scores were rushed to hospital wit
h blood pouring out of their little limbs, head
s, eyes and nose...Israel bombed Gaza again.
They interviewed a little one, about 6, with
a bandaged head and the poor little thing wa
s stuttering, with his face swollen up
, and his eyes moist with tears...
He said "I was playing with my friends, and the
bombs fell on us...they wanted to kill
me."(they = Israelis, who else?!). Yes you are r
ight little one, they wanted to kill you. They an
d the Americans are flip sides of the same coin.
They grow, thrive and prosper on violence...
Maybe you will understand it better when yo
u grow up, but I think you already know.
You already know that for them, Americans
and Israelis, their philosophy can be summed
up in one sentence - I can only live if you die.
I can only find security by killing you.
I can only prosper by impoverishing you
. I can only multiply by committing genocide against you...
C'mon Layla, that was three sentences!
There's a vid on that but I think this was
the event Layla was referring to; plenty
o' bloody kids here:
18 Jan 2008 09:44PM - Jonathan Miller
Israel has destroyed the Hamas-run
Interior Ministry in Gaza in an air strike.
Friday's Israeli attack. Al-Jazera

Born at a check point - grossly disabled for life

12 January 2008
Introduction:- Mohammad Khalil
was born at a checkpoint. He inhaled
meconium, the contents of his intestine.
This might anyway indicate previous
anoxia. In his case there was no expert
care and the anoxia continued.

Dr Alan Meyers writes to a colleague
who speaks for justice in the remnants
of Palestine:- MORE:
Torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment

Everyday kinda stuff!

During the reporting period, DCI/PS lawyer
s conducted 32 visits to children in prisons and
detention centres, and took statements from
many of them about their experiences during
their incarceration period. (for more information)
Stop Israel before it's too late

Dear friends, Gaza is burning. Gaza is cold. Gaz
a is in the dark. Maybe you can sleep. I can't!
Below is an important statement on how Israel's denied
entry policy is affecting the church community here
, in the holy land. I pass a picture that was on
our local Arabic newspaper's front page yesterday.
It shows an Israeli solider, part of the 4th most powerful
military force in the world, dealing with those
habitual Palestinian terrorists. One can only
imagine what worldview this young boy will
have when he reaches 21 yrs old.
Stop Israel before it's too late
But for anyone engaged in dubious battle
with the BNP (not sure yet but this may
have silenced one) and another quality
pic, download the pdf file from here:
& just when I thought life was a real bowl of
cherries, I get some devastating news; the life
of one of our petitions to End The Heath Crisis
in Gaza has expired. What am I to do now I
wonder? Allah, being all-merciful of course,
some poor bar steward's only gone and started
another one. Whence I was 4,500 now
I'm 16, kin' 'ell!
This petition is finished. If you want to do more
for this campaign, please sign this

Also please write e-mails about the health
crisis in Gaza and send them to this addresses:

United Nations Human Rights Committee:
Israeli Foreign Minister Tsipi Livni: Health
Minister Yaacov Ben Yizri: Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert: Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed
Mohammed Nazif: Shimon Peres: Red Cross-Jerusalem:
Alternatively, every time you see an article
saying International Law, the UN Charter
or Geneva Convention is being breached,
send it along:
Communications and claims under art.15 of
the Rome Statute may be addressed to:

Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands

Or email to ,,,


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