Tuesday, November 27

Images of Injustice - Apartheid Resurrected

Sahar Samadan

The premise for the week was "To get the word out about injustice around the world," stated Aloa Milbes, the Vice President of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) and a senator of the Associated Students of Chaffey College.

To spread the awareness, a wall was erected called "Apartheid Resurrected" in the middle of the free speech area.

There were images, some very graphic, of the violence plaguing the region on both sides of the wall.

And on Wednesday, Oct. 24, a documentary was shown in the student lounge on the subject.

As students watched, the looks on their faces showed shock because most people simply did not know what was going on.

The documentary provided various bits of information. For instance, according to records, in 1967 Israel began an occupation of Palestine, which resulted in the Palestinians living under intense military rule. Many of their homes were destroyed.

Whether Christian or Muslim, the Palestinians were treated equally cruel.

The Palestinians ended up living in below poverty level settlements, while Jewish settlements were as lavish as anything that would be seen in Beverly Hills.

And they were right next to each other.

Per the documentary, it went as far as not letting the Palestinians drive on the streets, or even communicate with others. If they did, gunmen would easily shoot them.

While all of this was happening, the United States was not lending a helping hand to Palestine. Instead, the U.S. was helping Israel.

It was suggested that if the U.S. had stopped assisting Israel, they would not have had the power that they did.

Millions of dollars, $62.5 million to be exact, has been given to Israel. To put this into proper perspective, Israel's population is the size of Wisconsin, so the question is, "Where exactly is all of this money going?"

The documentary continues that while security forces were firing on groups of Palestinian children, the U.S. was handing over money to Israel; money that could have actually been put to positive use in the U.S.

In fact, a bill was signed in 2003 that gave $10 million more to Israel.

This fight has also been turned into a religious situation.

According to the documentary, many Christians in power believe that Israel should be supported because it is part of God's "Divine Plan."

On the other hand, many say occupation of a country, the destruction of that country and murder of it's inhabitants were never part of God's plan.

On Wednesday, Oct. 24 students gazed at the wall created by the Muslim Student Association to spread awareness of injustice. The wall, titled, Apartheid Resurrected, was on display in the free speech area for students to see."


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