2. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, was/is ruled by paranoid psychos who, thinking the world was/is out to get them, armed themselves with all the latest weapons?
3. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, was/is helped in securing all of those weapons by factions in the US government and Wall Street?
Nazi Germany on the left, Apartheid Israel on the right
4. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, used/uses the entire range of media to show the world only one picture, that of a 'peace' loving nation?
5. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, used/uses wealth stolen from countries invaded to live like kings?
6. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, used/uses lies to treat a certain segment of its people like some type of sub-human?
Nazi Germany on the left, Apartheid Israel on the right
7. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, was/is adept at using the false-flag to start wars and generate sympathy for its villainous activities?
8. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, used/uses people as guinea pigs for medical experiments?
9. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, used/uses the "Big Lie" technique, where a lie is told over and over so that it brainwashes people into believing the lie?
10. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, stole/steals arable land from its neighbors to make way for a future super state?
Nazi Germany on the left, Apartheid Israel on the right

© Unknown
12. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, constantly did/does flaunt international law to accomplish its goals?
13. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, threatened/ threatens to destroy the entire world if its demands are not met?
The answer to all questions is both Nazi Germany and Apartheid Israel.
Any Questions?

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