Tuesday, June 15

Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel? Your Call

1. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, repeatedly told/tells its people that they were/are a type of 'Master Race,' CHOSEN above all to be above all?

2. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, was/is ruled by paranoid psychos who, thinking the world was/is out to get them, armed themselves with all the latest weapons?

3. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, was/is helped in securing all of those weapons by factions in the US government and Wall Street?

Nazi Germany on the left, Apartheid Israel on the right
© Unknown

4. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, used/uses the entire range of media to show the world only one picture, that of a 'peace' loving nation?

5. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, used/uses wealth stolen from countries invaded to live like kings?

6. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, used/uses lies to treat a certain segment of its people like some type of sub-human?

Nazi Germany on the left, Apartheid Israel on the right

© Unknown
7. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, was/is adept at using the false-flag to start wars and generate sympathy for its villainous activities?

8. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, used/uses people as guinea pigs for medical experiments?

9. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, used/uses the "Big Lie" technique, where a lie is told over and over so that it brainwashes people into believing the lie?

10. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, stole/steals arable land from its neighbors to make way for a future super state?

Nazi Germany on the left, Apartheid Israel on the right
© Unknown
11. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, has/had special Army units that terrorize people by shooting pregnant women in the stomach and their kids in the head?

© Unknown
12. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, constantly did/does flaunt international law to accomplish its goals?

13. Which country, Nazi Germany or Apartheid Israel, threatened/ threatens to destroy the entire world if its demands are not met?

The answer to all questions is both Nazi Germany and Apartheid Israel.

Any Questions?


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