Monday, November 19

Blog About My Favorite Bloggers From Blogging For Palestine

Late is better then ever, and one of my favorite bloggers
Rebellious Arab Girl
Started what has been called A Universal online blogging activity
“Blog about your favorite blogger” day. It was on the 27th of October to be that day.
I’m just getting around to it now when I was exploring ,
So I am glad that was the article that reminded me.

Sorry for the lateness Rebellious Arab Girl. My favorite Blog is hard to say so I am not, but I will say that I love Blogs like Rebellious Arab Girl's and all others that are Blogging for Palestine.
You all do a great job in exposing the crimes of Israel and their treatment of Palestinians under the occupation of Israel. With out you bloggers and blogs and websites elsewhere the world would just be believing the Zionist fed bullshit.

I love Blogs that expose Governments especially the United States & Canadian Government for who they are. liars and crooks among other things but I won't go into a swearing rant. especially on the current United States Government.

A big shout out to Sabbah and all the Blogs Blogging for A Free Palestine, Ending The Occupation, The Right of Return, Stopping The Siege Of Gaza, Fairness & Justice for Palestinians.

keep up the great work Rebellious Arab Girl I hope you do this event next year, I promise I will be on time.


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