Thursday, October 11

Mr. Bush please call me a terrorist!

The argument is simple but in my opinion irrefutable.
The Palestinians have been fighting for justice and for Israeli compliance
 with the law for nearly sixty years.

The international community has failed completely to demand
successfully Israeli compliance with the law.
Israel continues that defiance in the daily expropriation of
Palestinian land and the retention of land already stolen.

Israel continues that defiance in the racist denial of the rights
of the refugees because they are not Jews.

In my opinion the Palestinians have and should have the right to take whatever steps they consider necessary, rightly or wrongly against the Israeli people in order to obtain justice and the enforcement of the law. I agree with Dr. Shihadeh. It is completely irrelevant whether such steps are effective or not as long as the Palestinian people believe in them and they help deny the success of Israeli crimes.


Mr. Bush; Please call me a terrorist!
              If using armed struggle against oppressive regimes constitutes acts of terrorism, then I belong to hundreds of millions of dignified humans who reject bondage and cruel oppression.

If fighting for simple human rights and freedom clothes me with a label of terrorism then I love my clothes. Using your criterion Mr. Bush then I also belong humbly to a group of great freedom fighters from George Washington to Nelson Mandella.

Obviously Mr. Bush you have never learned the basic principle that we all have learned from history, which says that if there is no justice there will definitely be violence. Some one might object by stating that such principle was applicable only in the past when the laws of the jungle were prevailing in the absence of civil laws,  but not now when we have international legal organizations like the UN that can help people achieve justice through peaceful means. An apparent truism but let's examine the facts of recent history.
     For sixty years the Palestinian people have been asking the civilized world represented by international organizations like the UN to help them achieve their national and civil rights through peaceful means. Tens of resolutions have been adopted by the UN to that effect, but the Palestinians are still living in sub-human conditions of the refugee camps scattered in the Arab world, while the rest are living under the most inhuman conditions under the Israeli oppressive regime. Israel has rejected the implementation of these resolutions using sheer force to subjugate the Palestinians under their oppressive regime.

The indigenous Palestinians, whose lands were unjustly usurped by the foreign Zionists, have accepted to share their home with these foreign invaders, but these offers have been vehemently rejected by the Zionists, because they wanted the lands exclusively for the Jews. The Palestinian leaders went further when they offered the Zionists a larger share in Palestine as an incentive to achieve peace, but again accepting such an offer would jeopardize the Zionist expansionists whose ambitions seek to occupy all of Palestine without the presence of the Palestinians.

The Israeli daily cruel onslaught on Palestinian civilians in flagrant violation of all existing civil laws will lead anyone to fight back. Injustice could only be rectified either by adherence to laws designed to protect people from oppression, or by establishing resistance against the oppressor. So far Israel has violated flagrantly every single law or resolution that was established to protect the Palestinians. So I challenge Mr. Bush and all those who keep giving us lectures about morality, legality and democracy to find a peaceful way to for the oppressed Palestinians to achieve justice with dignity and freedom in their own lands. If this process fails then Palestinians have no choice but to fight through organized armed struggle. Some might bring the point that such resistance have failed so far to bring any tangible toward Palestinian rights. May be so but let us not forget that Israel has also failed to achieve their supreme objective of creating in Israel a tranquil safe haven for all the Jews in the world. If the Palestinians do not enjoy achieve their minimal demands of their national aspirations then Israel will always remain as the most dangerous place to live in the world. The peace train will never arrive to the area unless the Palestinians are aboard.



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