Tuesday, August 14

Occupation 101 Watch It Online

Israeli historian Ilan Pappe describes the period around the declaration of Israel's independence as one during which the indigenous  Palestinian population was ethnically cleansed from the land when they were forced from their homes or fled in terror after hearing news of rapes and massacres at other villages. Today, the situation is not much better for the Palestinians under Israeli rule. "To make things so difficult for the Palestinians so that anyone who wants a normal life will leave."

Click here and watch the video
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  1. Anonymous1:12 am

    This movie shows the real truth which cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all relevant countries/citizens to stop aiding/supporting Israel, with use of sanctions if necessary, until it ends its occupation of the Arab territories. We must defend the Palestinian causes, denounce the brutal Israeli/Zionist crimes and criticise the disastrous Israeli policy of expansion and oppression in Palestine.We don’t have to be diplomats or politicians to appreciate that any agreement must be enforcable and at least include the return to the pre-1967 borders, with Israel withdrawing from ALL Palestinian occupied territories (including the West Bank and East Jerusalem), allowing Palestine to control its own borders and recognising Palestinian rights, including the rights to life, freedom, movement and the return to homelands. Although we know that America will not be a peacemaker in the Israeli/Palestine conflict, we must continue to demand to know when the United States is going to “stand up to Israel”, cease providing Israel with financial and military support, and at least be “even-handed in its approach to Israel and Palestine”.

  2. I Agree with you 110 percent. Not only does the United States need to stop supporting Israel but the whole world.
    We need to stop supporting companies that support Israel as well. For example Star Bucks Coffee and Chapters Book Stores and a host of Other companies that with access to information as it is today , it is widely available to know they send money to Israel along with Governments Around the World like the United States and sadly to say Canada.
    I Support Nothing less then The People of Palestine getting returned the land that is theirs, I support The Right of Return, I support Palestine to be free and run their own country as they feel free to do so and that includes borders.
    I Hope The People of Palestine never end up like the Natives of North America because it will be a sad day indeed.

    And in regards to the real truth is why I created the Palestinian Media Centre so that with hopes people wake up and more and more people will learn the truth.

    Palestinian Media Centre
