Friday, August 17

New Palestine video and more

Video: A brief 9 minute montage of clips from the July visit by a delegation
from CT to Palestine. It includes video at the borders, and in Israeli
occupied Bethlehem, Hebron, and Jenin.

"Israel's ethnic cleansing and apartheid in Palestine"
Palestinians and many Israelis are encouraged that civil society in Europe
and North America has now engaged in other forms of struggle for peace with
justice, including the growing movement of boycotts. By Mazin B. Qumsiyeh

(Why academic boycotts make sense: not a single Israeli academic institution
complains about these atrocities)
High Court has been wrongly besmirched By Amira Hass, Haaretz

Fascinating letter by Shelby Tucker, Jr published September 25, 1978 in The
Memphis Commercial Appeal after the author threatened a law suit after he
was defamed as an "anti-Semite" for criticizing Israeli policies. Still
worth reading and pondering some thirty years later. Tucker became even
more an advocate of human rights since then. Sadly some Zionists have not
changed and still try to use the same tactics of killing, stealing lands,
and crying "anti-Semitism" every time they are criticized. Since that
article, over 40,000 Palestinian civilians and tens of thousands of Lebanese
were murdered by Israel not to mention the accelerated ethnic cleansing of
the 1980s and 1990s. Anyway read Tucker's amazing response of 1978"

Boycott movement targets Israel by Prof. George Bisharat
(write letters to

Mazin Qumsiyeh



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