(fwiw: I run into their trickery all on a daily basis; they think i don't know:-)
also fyi, from wikipedia:
pf soto
"The Israel Project was founded by Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, Margo Volftsun, and Sheryl Schwartz in 2003. Ms Mizrahi served as its president until the spring of 2012. Initially started to change US and European perceptions of Israel, it had worked in English, French, German, Spanish, Russian Arabic, and Chinese to reach a global audience. However, from the end of 2012; TIP decided to shut down its 'Global Affairs' unit. In 2007 its board of advisors included thirty-two Democratic and Republican members of the US House and US Senate, plus former Ambassadors from Israel. TIP operates offices in Washington DC and Jerusalem.
"The Israel Project is not affiliated with any government [
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