Tuesday, July 3

The People's Voice Newsletter

Imperialism and Fascism are on the Rise in the USA

Why do we hate them?
Gilad Atzmon
From Peace Palestine
When I came over to Britain some thirteen years ago, I found a very tolerant place. I was amazed to see so many people of so many colours, not just living together in peace, but living in full harmony. At Essex University, the institute where I was doing my postgraduate studies, everyone was enthusiastic about post-colonialism. The Brits, so it seemed to me at the time, were repenting over their embarrassing colonial past. I was mildly impressed but not totally overwhelmed. At the end of the day, it isn't that difficult to denounce your grandfather's crimes. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/03/p18058

Spying on Americans: New NSA Whistleblower Speaks
David Swanson
From Global Research
A former member of U.S. military intelligence has decided to reveal what she knows about warrantless spying on Americans and about the fixing of intelligence in the leadup to the invasion of Iraq. Adrienne Kinne describes an incident just prior to the invasion of Iraq in which a fax came into her office at Fort Gordon in Georgia that purported to provide information on the location of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. The fax came from the Iraqi National Congress, a group opposed to Saddam Hussein and favoring an invasion. The fax contained types of information that required that it be translated and transmitted to President Bush within 15 minutes. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/03/p18029

Why attacks are no big deal
Gwynne Dyer
From Crimes & Corruptions
As terrorists go, this was The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight. One of the would-be London bombers on June 29 drove erratically down Haymarket - presumably affected by the fumes from the gas cylinders and petrol containers that were the heart of his makeshift car-bomb - before crashing into a garbage bin, getting out and running away. Another parked his explosives-packed car illegally, so it was towed away. The third attack was at Glasgow Airport the following day, but nobody was hurt except one of the attackers, who set himself on fire. More competent terrorists might have killed dozens of people, of course, but it's safe to say that this incident will be taken more seriously in the United States than it is in Britain itself or anywhere else in Europe. An occasional terrorist attack is one of the costs of doing business in the modern world. You just have to bring a sense of proportion to the problem, and, in general, people in Europe do. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/03/p18028

Freedom of Speech Denied With Jail Time in Mid East 'Democracy'
eileen fleming
[Jerusalem] On July 2, 2007 the whistle blower of Israel's WMD Program, who served 18 years in jail and the last three under house arrest was sentenced to six more months behind bars for the interviews he gave to foreign media in 2004. (Videos) http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/03/p18027

The Rafah crossing nightmare
Khalid Amayreh
From Palestine-Info
On Saturday, 30 June, Taghrid Abed, 30, died while languishing in unbearable heat on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing, Gaza's only gateway to the outside world. Another Palestinian had earlier died in similar circumstances as the world community, enslaved by American Zionism, stood powerless to end this disgrace. Abed was one of more than 5000 Palestinians stranded at the border crossing for two weeks as a result of Israel's refusal to allow them back to the Strip. Israel, which is shamelessly telling the world that it has ended its occupation of Gaza, is still in tight control of the Rafah crossing, effectively turning the entire Gaza Strip into the world's largest concentration camp. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/03/p18026

Work in Progress: Formulating the Antidote to Sectarian Division and "Creative Destruction"
Tony Sayegh
From Palestinian Pundit
It is well-known by now that nothing unfolding in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and now Palestine is happening by chance or as a result of decisions made on the fly. We know that the document "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" , which was prepared in 1996 for Benjamin Netanyahu, outlined some of the policies now being implemented by Usrael in Iraq and soon in Lebanon, Palestine and Syria, if given a chance. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/02/p17996

"Free" & Ruined Lives
Layla Anwar
From Arab Woman Blues
I am "Free". He is "Free". She is "Free". They are "Free". And you are only a spectator...
Free, Freedom, Democracy. I shudder at these words.
I want to burn Plato's Republic and spit on your Constitution, on your Founding Fathers, on your Laws... Free limbs, detached, solitary limbs, scattered to the four cardinal points and a bleeding heart in the middle, like a compass. An arm to the West, a leg to the East, a head down South and a torso up North...And that damned bleeding heart in the Center. Free, so free... http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/02/p17998

Being a Counterweight and 'The Change You Want To See In The World'
eileen fleming
"The influence of the Israel lobby...is not some omnipotent force that can turn the world's sole superpower against its own perceived interests. The lobby derives its strength, in some measure, from being largely unopposed in Washington...But that need not mean that the US cannot pressure Israel into the compromises required for a just peace with the Palestinians. This can happen if a counterweight to the Israel lobby is built."- Mitchell Plitnick, Chris Toensing http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/02/p17997

Zionism's Legacy: Palestinians' Ongoing Suffering
Um Khalil
If one is not moved by this story which I first saw at Annie's Letters, then one is lacking morally. The plight of the Palestinians in Iraq is a microcosm of what Zionists bequeathed to Palestinians, 7.2 million refugees, disposessed and dispersed to all corners of the earth. Some are in South America, some are in North America, some in Europe, some in Australia; many in the Arab world, and the vast majority within sight and mere kilometers of their rightful homes. I often wonder how any Jew with a modicum of morality could immigrate to Palestine, knowing full well that Israel was created on the demolished villages of Palestine and that Palestinians continue to be killed and continue to suffer. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/02/p17995

Is This Heaven? 11
Mike Palecek
"The greatest purveyor of violence on earth is my own government." — Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
"This planet is deeply troubled, and the main cause of it is our own government." — Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark 
This is Iowa, where all the cucumbers are strong, all the tomatoes are good looking, and all the bell peppers, are above average. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/02/p17994

The Kitty Litter Kos
My own minor experience posting as a commenter on the Dkos was quite frankly a nightmare. Freedom of speech which we are granted in our Constitution simply doesn't exist at the so-called largest "progressive" blog in America. The utter banality of some of the comments there is one thing, for instance pictures of kitty litter boxes and recipes left as comments, but the coniving paranoid attacks on ANYONE who doesn't tow the line on the Palestinian issue is a spectacle for all to see. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/02/p17993

Fayyad has no right to silence the mosques 
Khalid Amayreh
Salam Fayyad, prime minister of the Western-backed emergency government in Ramallah, has been acting lately as if he were the head of a free government of a sovereign state. Indeed, his recent behavior shows that he is very much detached from reality, the reality of the omnipresent Israeli occupation which in all honesty renders the very talk about a Palestinian "government" silly and ridiculous. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/01/p17991

Imperialism and Fascism are on the Rise in the USA
Rodrigue Tremblay
"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." - James Madison (1751-1836), 4th U.S. President and author of the U.S. Constitution "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carring the cross." - Sinclair Lewis, (It Can't Happen Here, 1935)"Unhappy events abroad have retaught us two simple truths about the liberty of a democratic people. The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of a private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power." - Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), 32nd US President http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/01/p17982

Thanks for Dick Cheney
Joel S. Hirschhorn
When someone in high elected office shows the nation how vulnerable our Constitution is, we should be thankful for the wakeup call. Like many ruthless dictators, evil kings, and monster generals, Dick Cheney is the leading practitioner of the ends-justify-the-means mentality, where only his vision of the desired ends counts. And if this means disregarding and disobeying the Constitution, torturing prisoners, killing thousands of American soldiers, disrespecting Congress, destroying our environment, embracing the invasion of illegal immigrants, increasing out national debt, and disregarding the will of the vast majority of Americans, so be it. Serving corporate interests rather than serving the people is Cheney's brand of patriotism. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/01/p17981

Compiling Zionist Lies
Mazin Qumsiyeh
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley
Compiling Zionist mendacity, lies and distortions is by necessity a work in progress. It obviously can be rather lengthy since the lies and mendacity of those who either participated in or still participate in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine goes back for 100 years. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/07/01/p17980

Finding Lessons in Gaza's Bloodshed
Ramzy Baroud
The Hamas-Fatah clash that has culminated into a mini-civil war in recent weeks is both old and new, and while some of its elements are uniquely Palestinian, much of it was manufactured at the behest of US-Israeli intelligence and governments. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/30/p17973

Sexual Orientation: When it Matters and When it Doesn't 
Carolyn Baker
In early 2005 in anticipation of my sixtieth birthday, I began working on an autobiography. Certainly, I reasoned, now entering my sixth decade, I should be putting in ink my reflections on life as I officially become a senior citizen. Following the publication of three books and countless articles, it seemed that my "memoirs" was the very next step. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/30/p17972

Is This Heaven? 10
Mike Palecek
In the film "Sir, No Sir!" there is a brief account of a clandestine anti-war radio station, "Radio First Termer," operated from a brothel in Saigon by Dave Rabbit, an active duty American service member.
Wow. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/30/p17971

Political Corruption on Steroids
Stephen Crockett
Corruption and dirty politics is nothing new in America. However, the level and scope of dirty politics within the Republican Party at this point in American history seems to be unprecedented! It increasingly looks like the Republican leadership has become a kind of mafia-style criminal gang pretending to be a political party. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/30/p17970

Affirmative Action for the Poor
Stephen Crockett
In the aftermath of the recent Supreme Court ruling gutting affirmative action to deal with the historical impact of racial discrimination, I propose that Democratic political figures should push for new laws promoting affirmative action on behalf of poor Americans of all races. Unequal educational opportunities are an important factor contributing to pockets of entrenched poverty. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/30/p17969

Big Oil and Big Media V. Hugo Chavez
Stephen Lendman
On June 27, the New York Times and Wall Street Journal vied for attention with feature stories on oil giants ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips "walking away from their multi-billion-dollar investments in Venezuela" as the Journal put it or standing "Defiant in Venezuela" as the Times headlined. Both papers can barely contain their displeasure over Hugo Chavez wanting Venezuela to have majority ownership of its own assets and no longer let Big (foreign) Oil investors plunder them. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/30/p17968

Reviewing Linda McQuaig's "Holding the Bully's Coat - Canada and the US Empire"
Stephen Lendman
Linda McQuaig is a prominent, award-winning Canadian journalist, sadly less well known in the US because she writes about her own country. She was a national reporter for the Toronto Globe and Mail before joining the Toronto Star where she now covers Canadian politics with her trademark combination of solid research, keen analysis, irreverence and passion. She's easy to read, never boring, and fearless. The National Post called her "Canada's Michael Moore." http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/30/p17967

Google, the Daily Kos, and the End of Free Speech
Schuyler and Ragnar, editors
America was founded with a constitution which protects freedom of speech. It is probably the most powerful and important right the people in America and a few other countries have left. With freedom of speech injustice is exposed and eventually and hopefully eliminated. Without freedom of speech truth is relegated to the shadows and the people are purposely misinformed and mislead. No one would want to live in society that treats people this way, so why do we allow it to happen on the internet? http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/29/p17965

Brigitte Gabriel on Terrorism? It Takes One to Know One 
With their PR power and their command and control of media and its content, the most oppressive and sadistic war-profiteering regimes in modern times — zionist Israel and neocon U.S. — are making their big push yet in an attempt to persuade their "subjects" to support the dragging of the U.S. into the pits of oblivion for the sake of empire. At every turn, and in every facet possible, zioneocon propagandists are in full force, attempting to proselytize the gullible masses, striking fear into those who are willing to buy their spiel, and striking down those who would dare throw facts in their collective face. One such propagandist is Brigitte Gabriel. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/29/p17964

Bush Talks Long-Term Stay in Iraq and More Troops Die
Kevin Zeese
As President Bush and members of his administration described the "South Korea Model" as an approach for Iraq, deaths in Iraq mounted. In the same week General Patraeus said he saw a ten year stay in Iraq as likely and Ted Koppel reported that Sen. Clinton will not remove the troops. The message not only reverberated in Washington, DC but also in Baghdad. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/29/p17951

Slandering the Dead: The American Massacre at al-Khalis
Chris Floyd
From Empire Burlesque
As Glenn Greenwald, among others, has pointed out, the new Bushist line is that everyone killed by American forces in Iraq is "al Qaeda" – a transparent falsehood belied by the Pentagon's own assessments but now mindlessly adopted by almost every corporate media venue, with the honorable exception (as always) of McClatchy Newspapers. Of course, the Invader-in-Chief and his multitude of bootlickers in traditional media and the blogosphere have always vastly inflated the numbers and importance of those elements in Iraq that are associated with al Qaeda in some way, however tenuous. Indeed, we know, again from the Pentagon itself, that the exaggeration of al Qaeda's influence in Iraq has been part of a deliberate, well-funded "psy-ops" scheme. (See "Hubub in Hibhib: The Timely Death of al-Zarqawi.") But now they have decided to dispense with the subtleties of psy-ops and simply repeat "al Qaeda" with every breath, in an effort to demonize all resistance (both in Iraq and at home, both violent and non-violent) to Bush's murderous boondoggle. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/29/p17938

Iraqi Palestinians Suffering - A Message to the World
Hiyam Noir
From Palestine Free Voice
I received a note from Vienna today, the organization of Menschenfreunde International ; [Doc. No: IQ/ME/102/07/E] - is asking me for help to save the lives of a Palestinian family.The message was a grim reminder of the real life situation for many Iraqi Palestinians, which has been uprooted from their home again. As if in a unfortunate predicament - a disaster forced generations of Palestinians from their homeland Palestine, in search of a safe shelter in many places around the world. - Also they found a shelter in Iraq, where they lived their lives in a period of relative tranquility. During the rule of the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, the Palestinians where protected from danger and hardship - provided with housing and health care, and free education for their children. However, the conditions for Iraqi Palestinian changed brutally, again - by the course of monstrous events, the lunacy, which no one, sound in mind could ever predict - the occupation and the destruction of Iraq - 100 of thousands of Iraqi Palestinians refugees had to flee again from their new country of residence. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/29/p17937

The Peace Envoy 
Gilad Atzmon
From: Peace Palestine
What a great day for peace enthusiasts! A new envoy to the Middle East has been appointed for the Quartet, and it's no other than the former British PM, Tony Blair. Blair, the man who gave the Israelis the green light to flatten Beirut. Blair, the man who started an illegal war in Iraq. Blair, a man who, according to the Geneva Conventions, is to be held personally responsible for more than 700,000 dead in Iraq for failing to 'protect civilian populations against certain consequences of war' [1]. A man who is supposed to be charged for genocide at The Hague. That's right, a man who should end his life behind bars is now becoming a peace envoy. Maybe it isn't such a bad idea. Seemingly, his partner from Washington may have sussed it all out. It is rather possible that when peace is at stake, it is actually the warmongers, the bloodthirsty criminals, the men who know no mercy and compassion who may provide the goods. At the end of the day, a rapist may know more about sex abuse than an innocent detached judge. We should never forget that for the Bushman, even Sharon, the mass killer from Sabra and Shatila was nothing less than a 'Man of Peace'. Who knows the truth of such complicated matters? It is rather possible that Bush is correct. It is feasible that pouring blood in such a vast quantity may have qualified Blair to be a peacemaker. Yet, there is a slight problem here. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/29/p17936

Dear Readers,
This is not over yet, but we are so grateful for and overwhelmed by all your kindness and support, that we feel it now is necessary for us to express this in a public way. We have reason to believe that quite many of you have written to Google in support of us. We thank you for this! It warms our hearts and it admittedly humbles us a wee bit. We are now more aware of how little we can do by ourselves, and how much we need our readers.  The negative forces have been a blessing for us -our hits are doing well, our network of friends has been strengthened and even extended. These forces have done us a great service. We thank them for this! http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/28/p17934

Mcmansions, SUVs, Mega-Churches and the Baghdad Embassy: Life Among Dim and Brutal Giants
Phil Rockstroh
In microcosmic mimicry of the plight of the besieged middle and laboring classes, my parent's Atlanta neighborhood, as is the case with many others in the vicinity, is being destroyed, in reality -- disappeared -- by a blight of upper-class arrogance. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/28/p17932

Blair unfit for peace-making
By Khalid Amayreh in East Jerusalem
28 June, 2007 There is no doubt that Tony Blair, who has just been appointed by the Quartet (US, EU, Russia and UN) as Peace Envoy to the Middle East is utterly unfit for the job. The man is simply too deceitful and too dishonest and too unethical to be a genuine peacemaker. Last week, renowned British Journalist Robert Fisk wrote the following about Blair:"I remain overwhelmed that this vain, deceitful man, this proven liar, a trumped-up lawyer who has the blood of thousands of Arab men, women and children on his hands is really contemplating being 'our' Middle East envoy." http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/28/p17931

The Death Penalty Versus. the Democratic Social Contract
Richard Franklin
As of late, I've only rarely seen the death penalty discussed within the framework of traditional theories of democratic social contract. That topic is a book waiting to be written. After all, theories of social contract were discussed at length by the American founders, and the Bill of Rights was assembled with notions of a social contract hovering in the background. The Enlightenment was in full swing back in those times, and rational social contract theories were in the air. We are therefore long overdue in making use of this concept when it comes to discussing the death penalty in America. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/28/p17911

I shouldn't be alive
Mohammed X
From Last of Iraqis
Yesterday I was in the most terrible horrifying situation. I don't know what to do to release the rage and pain tearing my heart apart, I thought that if I write a post about what happened it may make me feel better…… 2 days ago me and my wife were talking about our memories and times together, and the memories even before we met each other, we remembered the life before the war and how the neighborhoods were, how beautiful most of them were, how much fun and safe Baghdad was, we talked for hours. Both of us were so sad because we don't have photos for Baghdad before the war and the beautiful scenes in it, more than that we even don't have pictures for the last year!! -Which was a lot better than this one... http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/28/p17901

Abbas's "security forces" to carry out arrests of Hamas supporters in Al-Khalil
Khalid Amayreh
From The Voice of Palestine
Reliable Palestinian sources on Wednesday intimated that PA security officials in the West Bank were planning to carry out arrests of Hamas supporters in Al-Khalil (Hebron) region. Al-Khalil is the largest territory of the West Bank, with over 600,000 people, many of them loyal supporters of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). The sources said the arrests would target several pro-Hamas activists who had been arrested several times by the Israeli occupation army. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/27/p17900

Ed and Elaine Brown Persevere
Kat Kanning
From Keene Free Press
Despite being surrounded by federal thugs in early June, despite tanks and helicopters around their property, despite having a friend shot at and arrested, despite having phone and electricity cut off, Ed and Elaine Brown persevere in their simple quest, asking the government to show them the law which requires them to pay federal income taxes. The federal government has been unable to show the Browns the law. Instead they have responded with violence and theft. During the early June raid on the Browns, Elaine's businessplace in West Lebanon was seized. Still, the Browns continue to stand up for their rights. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/27/p17899

Desert Peace
From Desert Peace
Israel has been reduced to a country based on the three above. A tiny country riddled with sex scandals from the President's Office to the office of the Minister of Justice... both made for 'good copy' in the press and succeeded in keeping the real issues facing the country on the back pages. That was part of the game... And let's not forget about Israel's new SEX FOR TOURISM campaign... http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/27/p17898

Divide and rule, Israeli style
Jonathan Cook
From Electronic Intifada
The boycott by Israel and the international community of the Palestinian Authority finally blew up in their faces with Hamas' recent bloody takeover of Gaza. Or so argues Gideon Levy, one of the saner voices still to be found in Israel. "Starving, drying up and blocking aid do not sear the consciousness and do not weaken political movements. On the contrary ... Reality has refuted the chorus of experts and commentators who preached [on] behalf of the boycott policy. This daft notion that it is possible to topple an elected government by applying pressure on a helpless population suffered a complete failure."  But has Levy got it wrong? The faces of Israeli and American politicians, including Ehud Olmert and George W. Bush, appear soot-free. On the contrary. Over the past fortnight they have been looking and sounding even more smug than usual. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/27/p17897

Haneyya: Olmert's promises target driving wedge in Palestinian lines
The Voice of Palestine
From The Voice of Palestine/News in brief. Ismail Haneyya, premier of the PA caretaker government, on Tuesday affirmed that the Israeli policy of premier Ehud Olmert aimed at driving a wedge in Palestinian national lines. Haneyya, in press statement after touring a number of secondary schools in Gaza city, said that the IOF was not ready to return rights to the Palestinian people, "hence the battle with it (Israeli occupation) is long and rough, and we have to maintain all our strong cards topped by returning national unity". http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/27/p17866

Overgrown Kids, Unshackled Ids, and the Death of the Superego
Jason Miller
"Children are completely egoistic; they feel their needs intensely and strive ruthlessly to satisfy them." - Sigmund Freud 
Frightening as it may be, the Earth's fate rests in the hands of children. With incredibly formidable military firepower at its disposal, the United States could catalyze Armageddon at any time. And while they may be adults chronologically, our sociopolitical structure is dominated by emotional infants. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/27/p17865

Finding lessons in Gaza's bloodshed
Ramzy Baroud
The Zionists are killing people by the droves -men, women & children. In all of Palestine. Since the second intifada began in September 2000, almost 1000 -one thousand- of Palestine's precious children have been murdered by IDF and the lawless settlers. The Hamas-Fatah clash that has culminated into a mini-civil war in recent weeks is both old and new, and while some of its elements are uniquely Palestinian, much of it was manufactured at the behest of US-Israeli intelligence and governments. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/26/p17864

Former Soviet Dissident Warns Against EU Dictatorship
Paul Belien
From The Brussels Journal
Vladimir Bukovksy, the 63-year old former Soviet dissident, fears that the European Union is on its way to becoming another Soviet Union. In a speech he delivered in Brussels last week Mr Bukovsky called the EU a "monster" that must be destroyed, the sooner the better, before it develops into a fullfledged totalitarian state. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/26/p17863

The dark face of imperialism
Gaither Stewart
From Online Journal
A combination of events this year has cast light on the dark side of US-Italian relations. Each of these events has its dark side, hidden at least in part from public view: the Pentagon's secret agreement with Italy's ex-rightwing government for a new military base in Italy, the CIA abduction of a suspected Moslem terrorist in Milan, the killing of an Italian secret service agent by an American soldier in Iraq and the abduction and fortunate release of an Italian journalist in Afghanistan. The events are linked. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/26/p17847

Israel accelerates pace of ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem
Khalid Amayreh
From Palestine-Info
While playing tricks with the American-backed Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and other Arab leaders, the Israeli apartheid regime is accelerating the pace of ethnic cleansing in East Jerusalem. The Israeli press on Sunday revealed that the racist measure of stripping native Palestinian Jerusalemites of their "residency rights" in their own town by the apartheid Israeli government was being carried out at an accelerated pace. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/26/p17839

The Empire of Clowns
Arthur Silber
From Once Upon A Time...
The Empire of Clowns Continues on Its Murderous, Genocidal Path At this moment in the monstrously bloody course of American Empire, I suppose I might take the sardonically grateful point of view. At least we now have some direct experience of how easy it was for nauseatingly corrupt Roman leaders to impose their will upon the ignorant hordes, and literally to get away with murder. Hell, who needed to "get away" with murder? Bloody, painful, lingering, ungraspably sadistic murder was one of the major entertainments. And so it is with us, for the majority of Americans are now both stupid and cruel. Comfort yourselves with fantasies about "good Americans" who "mean well" if you wish; the facts provide you scant support. The criminal slaughter in Iraq goes on from day to day...look, Paris Hilton is being dragged off to jail! Again! http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/25/p17836

Time for Republicans to Choose: Bush-Cheney or America
Stephen Crockett
The recent claim by Dick Cheney to have both executive privilege and not to be part of the executive branch of government seems to amount to a claim that Cheney is simply above the rule of law. It appears that both Bush and Cheney think they rule by divine right like the absolute monarchs of medieval Europe or the dictators of the old Soviet Bloc Both need to be impeached. Until they are removed from office, the media, Congress and the courts should be aggressively investigating, exposing and opposing their abuses of power. Bush has ignored the rule of law repeatedly. He has wiretapped American citizens without court orders in clear violation of the law by claiming nonexistent Presidential authority. Both Bush and Cheney lied to the American public and Congress to take America into an illegal war in Iraq. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/25/p17837

"Demonstration" Government in Palestine
Stephen Lendman
In 1984 (a year of Orwellian significance), activist and media and social critic Edward Herman wrote one of his many important books titled "Demonstration Elections." In it, he analyzed the US-staged elections in the 1960s in the Dominican Republic and Vietnam and the 1982 one in El Salvador. In the book's Orwellian glossary of terms, he defined the process as "A circus held in a client state to assure the population of the home country that their intrusion is well received. The results are guaranteed by an adequate supply of bullets provided in advance (and freely used as necessary to achieve the desired outcome)." http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/25/p17835

Is This Heaven? 9
Mike Palecek
If you are a just God, rain down fire and hell upon our heads. Lightning bolts upon our backyard decks and rivers of excrement down our smooth, well-scrubbed streets.
Please, dear God we pray.
This is Iowa.
Where "Hip Hop" is the new joint replacement wing on the nursing home.
And where the entire state is eligible to park in the handicapped zone — because we love war. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/25/p17834

In Landmark speech: Haniya exposes "the treasonous faction" within Fatah
Khalid Amayreh
Palestinian Pundit
From Khalid Amayreh in East Jerusalem
"Ismael Haniya, Prime Minister of the democratically-elected Palestinian government, on Sunday said a treasonous faction within Fatah, a clear allusion to the Muhammad Dahlan's group, had been hatching plans and amassing arms to thwart the Makka Agreement and overthrow the Palestinian national unity government. In a comprehensive and prolonged speech that lasted nearly two hours, Haniya said he had warned Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas that an American-backed and American-armed coup was being hatched by "the treasonous faction." Haniya said the that the real dichotomy was not between Fatah and Hamas, but rather between the Palestinian people on the one hand and the Israeli occupation of Palestine and enduring oppression and persecution of the Palestinian people, on the other. http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/25/p17811

Political Attention Deficit Disorder - New Psychiatric Condition
Joel S. Hirschhorn
According to a report not yet released, the Council on Science and Public Health of the American Medical Association has recommended that a chronic and widespread affliction of Americans be officially declared a psychiatric disorder. It has been named the Political Attention Deficit Disorder (PADD). http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/25/p17810

Protesters Rip Gov. Martin O'Malley for Broken Promises
William Hughes
"If I'm elected, I will fire [the] PSC and replace them with...members who will 'protect' the public." - Martin O'Malley
Annapolis, MD - During his campaign, in 2006, for the office of governor of Maryland, Martin O'Malley, a Democrat, repeatedly promised the voters that if he were elected he would do something to stop the huge Baltimore Gas & Electric/Constellation Energy electric rate hike, which was then set to go into effect on June 1, 2007. (1) After he got elected, however, he did nothing! The new Public Service Commission (PSC) that he appointed just rubber-stamped a rate increase of 50 percent. As a result, on June 23, 2007, demonstrators opposed to any rate hikes descended on the governor's mansion in this city to make their voices heard. Despite a projected $1.5 billion state deficit, Gov. O'Malley has also taken on the role of chair, in Maryland, of Sen. Hillary "War Lite" Clinton's presidential campaign. He also went up to New Hampshire on her behalf. One Maryland lawmaker, Del. Anthony J. O'Donnell, demanded O'Malley cut out "the road show" and do some "heavy lifting" on the state's many "problems." (2) http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/cgi-bin/blogs/voices.php/2007/06/24/p17809



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