Monday, July 2

Can Unarmed Civilians Break the Siege of Gaza?

Can unarmed civilians break the siege of
Gaza - 
We can try

"I am unable to see my own country, much less live there"  
    - Palestinian professor, Mahmood Ibrahmin

"I cannot be silent when Palestinians are oppressed in my name."
     -Holocaust survivor Hedy Epstein

"I have the right to tune pianos in Gaza if they want me to."
     - US Piano Technician Paul Larudee

Setting Sail to Break the Siege of Gaza

Who are we?

We are Palestinians, Israelis, Americans, Europeans, Africans and Asians.  We are Jews, Muslims, Christians and Bud-dhists.  We are clergy, programmers, farmers, fishermen, officials, language teachers, piano technicians and holocaust survivors.

What do we want?

We want the siege of Gaza to end. For forty years, Israel has controlled Palestinians. Israel says Gaza is no longer occupied, yet it denies Palestinians access to jobs, travel, visitors, commerce, education, health and medical care. It has made the Gaza Strip into a prison controlled by land, sea and air. Israel forces Palestinians to live on the brink of humanitarian catastrophe. It is time for Gaza to be free.

What can we do?

We can travel to Gaza at the invitation of its beleaguered people.  We need no permission from Israel ; we will not travel through Israeli territory.  Instead, we will sail directly to Gaza by sea from international waters and nonviolently challenge Israel 's blockade through civil resistance.

What is our plan?

We will sail to Gaza in the last half of 2007, from a variety of embarkation points.  We will take as many vessels as we can, both large and small, and we will go at different times, as our funding and logistics allow.

Why now?

We will no longer wait for the UN to enforce its resolutions, for the world to do its humanitarian duty, or for Israel to respect human rights guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Fourth Geneva Convention.  We choose to act upon those rights as free people, and be in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
  • We will not stand by while Israel besieges Gaza and denies Palestinians control over their own borders.
  • We will not accept that the 1.4 million people of Gaza are trapped and starved, surrounded by 27-foot walls.
  • We will not stand by as civilians are daily terrorized by bombings, incursions, and abductions by Israeli armed forces.
We will not wait for Israel to free Gaza .

What can I do?

More than anything else, we need money - 250 people to make a $1000 donation each or many more to make smaller ones.  Whatever the amount, we welcome your participation. We are going forward even on credit, in the belief that your support will make this happen.  Please send your tax-deductible check to
PCWF - Gaza Human Rights
405 Vista Heights Rd.
El Cerrito , CA 94530

or donate at our website  Please contact us for further information or to ask for speakers to do a presentation to groups.

Thank you for your support and solidarity.

The Free Gaza Movement
USA tel. 510-236-5338



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