Friday, July 13

Give With One Hand...Take More with the other Hand - Israel arrests 300 Fatah affiliates prior to releasing 250

Statistical evidence has revealed that the Israeli authorities have intensified their arrest campaigns against Palestinians in the West Bank in the past two weeks, especially after the Sharm el Sheikh summit of Middle Eastern leaders. During the summit Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, promised to release 250 prisoners affiliated to the Fatah movement.

The pledge was portrayed as a gesture of good will towards the Palestinians.

Fatah's information office issued a statement announcing that Israel has apprehended more than 300 Palestinians affiliated to the Fatah movement over the past two weeks. The number arrested in just two weeks has already exceeded the number of detainees proposed to be freed by Olmert.

"Israel is arresting Fatah loyalists and simultaneously discussing the farce of releasing prisoners," read the Fatah statement.

The movement also stated that "Israel's policy of apprehensions cannot bring about peace, nor can Israel's deception of the international community plant the seeds of trust between Israel and the Palestinians."

Fatah's statement also responded to the Israeli prisons' authority's segregation of Fatah and Hamas prisoners since the recent internecine fighting in Gaza. Fatah urged Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails to avoid factional divisions in the aftermath of the events in the Gaza Strip and requested that they promote national unity rather than political affiliations.





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