Anyway, the stuff about anti Semitism is garbage, since anyone who says the word Israel without prefacing it with “That Wonderful Democracy” is considered to be an anti Semite… What’s that old saying? You reap what you sow? And Israel sowed a lot of destruction and a million cluster bombs…
This Haaretz post revels the fact that “…the number of anti-Semitic incidents rose significantly in Europe last year, according to a joint study released Sunday by the Jewish Agency’s Forum for the Coordination of the Struggle Against Anti-Semitism… Figures for anti-Semitic acts in Germany, Austria and the Scandinavian countries increased dramatically in 2006, the study said… blah blah blah… The Lebanon war produced a wave of criticism against Israel, it said, and comparisons of its actions to those of Nazi Germany….blah blah blah…The authors of the document stressed the difficulties in determining whether an incident can indeed be defined as anti-Semitic, but said the paper reflects a broad trend of growing anti-Semitism in the countries polled.”
So, here they come again… I’m sure that the group of Jews in Germany who recently publicly demanded - with a full page newspaper ad (which I was told about but never saw, hope someone can send a copy) - that the German government stop the boycott of the Palestinian people, fill the criteria for anti Semites… and so do the 7,000 Jews on the “SHIT LIST” on the internet (you think I’m kidding? Check out the “Self-Hating and/or Israel-Threatening List” (aka. SHIT LIST!).
peaking of this group of brave Jews in Germany, my dear friend, Editerette, sent me the link to their website, which is: Here
Their petition is worth the time reading and signing. Here is what it reads:
For decades the Israeli and Palestinian peoples have lived as neighbours. The opportunities for mutual development and cooperation are there. But instead their lives are poisoned by war and violence, by threat and terror, by mutual hatred, contempt and disrespect.
The root of the problem is the continuing Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory since 1967. The Occupation humiliates and disenfranchises the Palestinians. It paralyzes their economic, political and social life. Moreover, this daily recurring experience of injustice prevents a peaceful resolution of the old injustice done to the Palestinians when they were forced to leave in 1948. All this further fuels the spiral of violence.
It is time to break through this spiral and pave the way for a lasting solution which will
- allow the Palestinian people self-determination and a life of dignity
- ensure an existence within internationally recognized borders for both nations
- bring peace to the entire region and thereby make the whole world a safer and more peaceful place.
In both societies, Israeli and Palestinian, there have long been voices calling for rapprochement; the Geneva Accord (www.genfer-initiative.de) is a prime example. These voices need support. However, support from Germany is lacking.
There is a reason for this: sixty-one years ago, with the defeat of Nazi Germany, the mass murder of the European Jews under the leadership of Germans came to an end. Shame and grief about this crime lead many people to remain silent about the politics of the Jewish State of Israel.
But this silence makes new injustices possible. In an attempt to break this deadlock we - as Jews in Germany - have drawn up and signed this Declaration. We are dismayed to see how the State of Israel, which was founded with such high hopes, has become trapped in an impasse of violence.
We call upon the German government, together with the European Union,
- to no longer tolerate the Israeli policy of occupation
- to promptly end the boycott of the Palestinian Authority
- to strive earnestly for the realization of a viable Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and the entire West Bank that was occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem, a state with full sovereignty and freedom of movement.
This will have to be combined with provisions for the security of all states in the region, particularly Israel, which is living in a state of constant fear, but also the neighbouring states. It will become possible to resolve questions relating to the right of return of the Palestinians driven out by Israel in 1948 consensually if Israel, as a sign of its willingness for reconciliation, acknowledges the injustice of the expulsion. The status of Jerusalem as capital of both states will have to be settled. The Arab League has put forward a proposal for a settlement with Israel. Peace could be within reach.
“What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour”. This was how Rabbi Hillel summed up the essence of Judaism two thousand years ago. This should also be the guiding principle for all human activity today - in politics too.
Please support this declaration with your signature or by registering Here
The petition available here in(PDF files) Deutsche, English, Russian and Hebrew
nteresting, especially the part that asks to end the boycott of Palestinian Authority.
Anyway, although I might not agree fully with the details, however, this declaration is a good seed to start with. Therefore, if you are in Germany and if you know any Jew in Germany, send this his way, hoping that s/he is for peace and just in Palestine - unless s/he is afraid to end up in the “Shit List.”
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