Time to demilitarise Israel: Israel must be made to pay for the damages it has inflicted on Lebanon and elsewhere and made to exist in the Middle East not as a gangster but as an ordinary state subject to approval by the Palestinian victims of the Zionist project. More...
End This Tragedy Now
By Fouad Siniora
Prime Minister of Lebanon.
A military solution to Israel's savage war on Lebanon and the Lebanese people is both morally unacceptable and totally unrealistic. We in Lebanon call upon the international community and citizens everywhere to support my country's sovereignty and end this folly now. We also insist that Israel be made to respect international humanitarian law, including the provisions of the Geneva Conventions, which it has repeatedly and willfully violated. Continue
Lebanon’s Descent into Hell
By Mike Whitney
The ghastly specter of mutilated corpses crushed beneath the twisted iron and powdery debris of bombed-out buildings only whets the appetites of the imperial warlords. They won’t be happy until the fire they started in Iraq consumes the entire Middle East in a pyramid of flames. Continue
Existence in this War
By Ahmad Samih Khalidi
As Lebanon is brought to its knees, and Israeli leaders promise yet more of the same, there is something truly extraordinary about the manner in which the war on Lebanon is being portrayed as a war for Israel's survival, as if it were the existence of the Jewish state that were at risk. Continue
Awakening the Resistance
After 28 days of hell unleashed upon it by the arrogant racism of a militant and ideological Zionism— 89% of Lebanon’s Sunni Muslims, 80% of its Christians, 80% of its Druze and 100% of its Shiite populations support Hizbullah’s resistance against Israel and the United States. Continue
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah Speaks To The People Of Lebanon
Video Runtime 40 Minutes
In a televised speech on Wednesday, Nasrallah said Israeli attacks had not weakened its rocket capabilities and its fighters would turn south Lebanon into a "graveyard" for invading Israeli troops Continue
Uncensored News Reports From Across The Middle East
Nassrallah: Israel Should Expect Regular Missile Attacks - IRIB TV, Iran
Israel Attacks Palestinian Camps in Lebanon - Al Arabiya TV, UAE
Shakedown in the Israeli Military - Al Jazeera TV, Qatar
Residents Being Evacuated from Kiryat Shemona - IBA TV, Israel
Israelis in Shelters Feel Abandoned by Government - Future TV, Lebanon
Israel Plans to Assassinate Haniyeh - Palestine TV, Gaza
The War Continues in Iraq - Abu Dhabi TV, UAE
This video may contain images depicting the reality and horror of war and should only be viewed by a mature audience Click here to view
Click on here for full story .... Lebanon: 350 soldiers, police detained: Lebanon's Interior Minister Ahmed Fatfat told The Associated Press that Israeli troops entered the garrison in Marjayoun Thursday afternoon "and asked to share it with Lebanese troops there." "The troops refused and said they would leave, but the Israeli did not let them," he said.
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