In the northern West Bank Nablus District, Palestinians are indignant. For the past two days Israeli soldiers occupying the area are treating citizens with the utmost cruelty, as reported by dozens of eyewitnesses.
The Beit Iba Checkpoint commuters are currently the most exposed to humiliation. Residents told PNN Monday, “Every citizen with a Nablus identity card is being treated with a distinct type of horror. We are prevented from moving if we are under 35 years old, in addition to being subjected to strict scrutiny, including the physical inspections and tearing through our bags.”
Eyewitnesses also said that the delay is at least two hours, causing even the earliest risers to be late to work. Businesses and government offices throughout the area are not operating properly. This is not the first time in recent months that Israeli forces attacked the Beit Iba Checkpoint in such way, or invaded the village or imposed curfew.
Journalist from the Ramatan News Agency, Nawaf Al Amer, told PNN that he spends half a day at the beginning of each week on the road before arriving in Ramallah due to the many military checkpoints spread along the road.
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