Sunday, December 20

Spanish University Boycotts Israel

The deanship at the Central University of Barcelona (UAB) announced the official boycott of Israel, with the cut of all kinds of communication and relations with the Israeli universities and institutions which are related directly or indirectly to the occupation.

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The university agreed to be a part of the global initiative "places without racism", which included hundreds of municipalities, institutions, universities and organizations in the world.

This achievement, according to Al Ray Palestinian Media Agency, comes in the context of the achievements derived by the Boycott movement network (BDS), operating in dozens of European countries and the Americas, Africa and Australia, which has become a real worry for Israel.

In Spain, the BDS movement was formed in 2007, and promotes many activities with regard to the faciliataion of solidarity and awareness. The movement acts effectively against Israeli lobbying through business, cultural and academic sanctions, and has harvested many achievements in these areas.

The Canary Islands adopted the boycott of Israel two weeks ago, during a visit by Ambassador of the State of Palestine in Spain, Kefah Odeh, in celebration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Seville and dozens of other Spanish cities have adopted the boycott movement in support of the Palestinian cause, and the BDS activities.

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